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WTF? #MoscowMitch advised to use 'nuclear option' in the Senate to prevent an impeachment trial

On Jeanine Pirro's FOX show last night, Tom Fitton, the president of the right-wing group Judicial Watch, urged #MoscowMitch to 'change the rules of the Senate' and use 'nuclear option' to prevent an impeachment trial in the Senate.

“The Senate is going to have to try any impeachment,” Fitton explained. “And if I were the Senate Majority Leader, I’d tell the House, ‘This is dead on arrival, we’re changing the rules, we are going to kill it before it even gets out of the cradle. And we will not follow up with impeachment trial.'”

“I think American citizens should be asking Mitch McConnell to exercise his prerogatives as majority leader and change the rules,” he advised.

Pirro, who was once a Judge, actually said she agreed with him.

Right-wingers have gone batshit crazy over this. American Citizens should be pushing for the Senate to do their job, according to the Constitution:

“The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments,” the Constitution says. “When the president of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside.”


If anyone feels Biden's son's job smacks of 'nepotism' and yet they can't see that Trump is mortgaging the country to the highest bidder for his own personal benefit, they are dishonest or stupid or both.

I want to ask the Trump supporters the following question: Do you think the Chinese leader or any other world leader is busy wrecking the foundations of their country; sowing divisions in their people through racist hateful dialogue; inviting foreigners to interfere into their politics; ONLY to survive and make money?

I ask this because AFTER this nightmare is over, however it is over, we will still need to gather with our allies to confront the very real threats of Russian, China, Terrorism and Global Climate change etc. I only hope that by that time it will not be too late!


ON MEET the PRESS today CHUCK TODD stood up to one of the GOP (SENATOR JOHNSON) and REFUSED to let him keep FLINGING FORTH the CONSPIRACY THEORY that he'd gotten from the PROPAGANDA CHANNEL.

As long as we have JOURNALIST like this who are NOT WILLING to put up with the BS that members of the GOP keep using ... as a way to try to DIVERT ATTENTION away from the way that the SCAM MAN has BROKEN the LAW ... by asking other COUNTRIES to HELP HIM win the 2020 ELECTION ... then we probably have a CHANCE of getting back to a state of NORMALCY again.

And HEAVEN HELP US if CHINA, RUSSIA, NORTH KOREA or any other COUNTRY does come up with FAKE DOCUMENTS as a way to try to keep the SCAM MAN in OFFICE.

Because that would only lead to STILL more DIVERSIONARY TACTICS and RIDICULOUS talk about how the FAKE CONSPIRACY THEORIES being put forth now have MERIT that they DO NOT HAVE.

And UNFORTUNATELY that would probably also only lead to STILL More SUCKERS falling for the NON STOP PACK of LIES that the GOP keeps SPEWING FORTH


If they get away with doing this then say hello to the "Donald Trump Dictatorship". At that point, I won't even count on the elections as the Turtle and Ronald McDonald will just find a way to invalidate that at as well.

We're living in dangerous times here.


MANY of us probably need to PACK UP our belongings and MOVE UP to CANADA.

Because things could continue to GO DOWNHILL and GET MUCH MUCH WORSE with PUTTIN'S PUPPET in CONTROL of and RUNNING the COUNTRY now.

HILLARY also tried to WARN PEOPLE about how SCAM MAN was PUTIN'S PUPPET, but even though MORE PEOPLE VOTED for her than for him, thanks to PUTIN's HACKING (and to the release of the WIKI LEAKS DOCUMENTS) the SCAM MAN managed to SLEAZE his way into the OVAL OFFICE where he's now ASKING OTHER COUNTRIES like the UKRAINE and CHINA to help him WIN the 2020 ELECTION.

And with MOSCOW MITCH also in league now with PUTIN and with his other MINIONS (like the one who is putting an ALUMINUM PLANT in the STATE that MOSCOW MITCH represents), it looks like the CORRUPTION will continue to keep TRICKLING DOWN until the GOP (who FALSELY CLAIMS the DEMOCRATS are Socialist or COMMUNIST) will OFFICIALLY END UP being a bunch COMMUNIST and PUTIN's PUPPETS themselves.

Hence the REASON why the RED COLOR that REPRESENTS them also SUITS them so well. Because RED is also the OFFICIAL COLOR of the COMMUNIST PARTY (which is also the REASON why WARREN BEATTY called his FILM: REDS).


Scary times ahead...


Moscow Mitch has already vowed not to remove Trump when he's impeached. Before the trial has even started.

Republicans are truly beyond the pale. Anything to win. Investigate Clintons' private lives, give Trump a pass. No principles. No standards.


Of course he did Moscow Mitch knows the Republican Party will die w/o Trump as their figurehead.


He could try the nuke option at the risk of Dems retaliating by grinding the business of the Senate to a complete halt. Mitch put on a clinic on how to do this as Senate Minority Leader during the Obama years.

Of course Schumer and the Dems being such weaklings, it's hard to know for sure whether they would. But Mitch would be taking that risk.

I don't see him going that route though. Just the other day when asked this question he said if the House passes articles of impeachment, the rules require him to bring it to trial. Not that Moscow Mitch gives a damn about rules, but I thought it interesting he would provide this clarity unless he meant to follow through. Moscow Mitch is a snake and this is his way of keeping his options open so he can gauge which way the wind is blowing by the time the inquiry is concluded and all the evidence is in.


Moscow Mitch is a snake and this is his way of keeping his options open so he can gauge which way the wind is blowing by the time the inquiry is concluded and all the evidence is in.

This makes sense. And I'm sure his cronies are the ones telling the mouthpieces (like Pirro and her guest) to start talking about a 'nuclear option' to see what the reaction is. Float the idea while the inquiry goes on.

Thanks - as always - for explaining this.
