AustraliBoy98's Replies

All in all they're ok. I like some of their songs. Christians can be bad too. Bump. You go to church, lol! I'm an atheist and proud of it. Most of us here would love for you to drink acid and chew on a razor blade. I never liked Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" People love it but I think it's pretentious trash. A ransom note. I like what I cook. That's all I can say. Hell no! Islamophobic as well! Bump. This is the first. Unless you're talking about Red Dead Revolver. Defend your religion! Go ahead! Prove me wrong! You can't because your pathetic religion is made up. Hahahahahahaaaa 🤣🤣🤣 😋 Bump. You can't prove that our white way of life is superior to their's, other than under your stupid Christian religion, which you can never ever prove is true. If you ever even could, then a man can become a woman! 🤣🤣🤣. About 20 or 21 I think. I love cooking, playing video games, partying, drinking, listening to podcasts and shoving atheism down this site's throat. Among other things. I won't get into everything. The only group that should be above criticism is atheists.