MovieChat Forums > ColdBlood11 > Replies
ColdBlood11's Replies
Many of the white actors that I named are liberal.. I am sure that they are ok with being white..
Ok we largely agree but I wouldn't label either Biden nor Harris a DEI hire in this case.. Because if you did then you would have to call every single VP in history a DEI hire.. VP's are always picked to appeal to a certain base; often time that base is racial.. Like if I as a Black man were running for president; I would probably pick a white woman as my VP or a Hispanic male/female.. Because both groups represent a large voting base that I would need to win.. If I were to pick another Black candidate an all Black ticket would turn off enough white and Hispanic voters that I would likely lose no matter what my policies are.. That is just politics.. Race is still very important in this country no matter how many people like to pretend that it isn't..
Ok.. Now that you have finally answered my question I will answer yours: Biden picked Kamala Harris as his VP to appeal to Black female voters; which he has every right to do.. Which btw, Kamala is very qualified for as she is very well educated and accomplished..
Trump(and I am going to keep bringing him up because this is a convo about presidential candidates and their qualifications) picked JD Vance to be his running mate because Vance appeals to far right wing WHITE voters.. Which Trump has every right to do.. Now are you going to label Vance a DEI hire do to him being picked on his race; or is that something only reserved for the Black candidate?
Will you accept the results of the election if Kamala wins? Yes or No.. Can't get any simpler than that.. When you answer this question I will immediately answer yours,,,
Are you going to accept the results of the election if Kamala wins?
No I am Black...and I have seen most all of the movies by these men and many others because I think that they are pretty cool.. Just as cool as the Black actors like The Rock, Samuel L. Jackson, Wesley Snipes, Will Smith, Martin Lawrence; etc.
Hollywood is full of white men who are considered cool.. Arnold S.; Ryan Reynolds, Jason Statham, Sylvester Stallone, Scott Adkins, Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise, Clint Eastwood, and literally hundreds of others.. You have a self image problem which you are projecting onto liberals my friend,,
Barack Obama choose Joe Biden as his VP simply because he was an old white man who appalled to that demographic of voters.. Was Biden a DEI hire?
Donald Trump picked JD Vance because Vance appalled to far right wing white voters.. Was Vance a DEI hire?
Joe Biden picked Kamala Harris as his VP because she would help him appeal to Black female voters.. Why is she the only one considered to be a DEI hire??
White people aren't considered cool by who, exactly? Be specific.. Because it sounds as if you have a self-esteem problem..
I have answered every question that you have asked.. Kamala is a QUALIFIED BLACK WOMAN.. I listed her qualifications.. Biden had every right to choose her; regardless of his reasons just like every other president has the right to pick their VP.. Obama picked Biden because he was an older white man that would appeal to that demographic.. No one ever called Biden a DEI pick. But have always referred to Obama as an affirmative action president.. I have already told you that I wouldn't override any voters..
Will you accept the results of the election and accept Kamala as president if she wins.. Don't address me again until you have an answer for my question..
Are you really trying to say that American pop culture and Hollywood doesn't celebrate white men? Come on.. Have you turned on a television lately, or seen a magazine cover; played a video game etc.. Honestly, white men have to stop acting as though society ignores them, it is getting old..
What are you talking about? No VP wins votes; they are picked by the presidential candidate.. If Biden wants to pick Kamala Harris; then he had every right to.. And the woman was an attorney general as well as US senator before getting that VP nod; so she was very qualified.. She was more qualified to be VP than Trump ever was to be president.. The man was a game show host with numerous sexual assault allegations against him. There was no over riding of democracy until Trump tried to over ride a free and fair election.. Now, for the second time; if she wins the presidency will you accept the results?
To the first part of your comment regarding reparations.. It is not just about slavery; it is also about the Jim Crow which followed.. The US as a nation is only 248 years old 1776-2024.. If you say that all racism in this country ended at the end of the Civil Rights Movement..(which we know is bs) then that means that Black folks have only been free in this country for 54 years.. Hell that is less than two generations.. It is funny how folks like yourself like to tell Black folks that we have a victim mentality; when we ask for what we are owed; yet would never say that to anyone in the Jewish community when those who survived the Holocaust and their ancestors still receive reparations to this day from this country and that didn't even happen here. I have never seen a person go before AIPAC or any other Jewish organization and tell them that they are tired of that group "having a victim mentality".. They don't say that to the Japanese when they get reparations for WW2 internment camps.. No one ever says that native Americans have a victim mentality when they receive reparations and other special considerations.. I need you to tell me why that victim mentality card is only pulled when Black Americans ask for the same when you have no problem with your tax dollars going to any of these other groups..
No I wouldn't override the vote to give Kamala Harris the presidency.. The president isn't hired; they are elected.. She has every right to run for president; if she loses then she loses.. But there is no such thing as a DEI president, governor, mayor; what have you.. These people run for office and are elected by the people.. The real question is if she wins will you respect her as the sitting president, or are you one of the Trumpers who will be complaining about the election being stolen? Because the only person who has ever tried to steal an election is Donald J. Trump..
The argument is about merit and DEI... Slavery does have a large part to do with it, but is by no means the end of white oppression in this country.. I will tell you what let's just forget that the first slave arrived in this country in 1619 and just start from 1776.. Now from 1776 to 1865 Black people were in slaved.. Then from 1865 there was Black Codes(look it up) and Jim Crow.. In that time many, many Black business and Civil Rights leaders were killed and much wealth and what little land they had was stolen. Then there was the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's.. Black people have only been semi free in this country; as there is much more that I can tell you about, since the 1970's... There is no merit in that.. That is the government using its powers to economically and social advantage on group(white) while disadvantaging another(Black).. Black people have had only a little over 50 years of somewhat freedom in a country that is 248 years old.. Now if you are asking if I think that Black Americans are owed reparations for all of that; then the answer is yes.. Now what group do you belong to?
The secret service example is but one instance.. Nine times out of ten DEI is used as a slight against Black folks who have positions of authority like Justice Brown-Jackson, Alvin Bragg, Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett, Kamala Harris(I know that she is only half Black) etc.
I am not contradicting myself at all regarding DEI.. You are instead choosing to ignore the history which makes such programs necessary in the first place.. Like I am going to say again.. History has shown us that often times very intelligent people whom weren't white were far too often passed over because of their race. Hence, you had affirmative action and now DEI, to make sure that came to an end. Without DEI Ketanji Brown-Jackson would not be sitting on the Supreme Court today no matter how accomplished and experienced she is.. History has shown that she simply would not have been given the opportunity.. She is but one example.. In one aspect you are right, however, in a merit based system there would be no need for DEI.. Problem is that advancement in America has never been based on merit. If America was merit based then there would have been no need for Jim Crow; redlining and other racist systems..
What is stupid is the denial of the racist history of the United States which in turn called for programs like DEI to be implemented in the first place.
DEI is used mostly to disparage Black people that is why it is deemed racist.. Plus those people did get there on merit.. They have the educational background and qualifications for the job which they seek.. Like I said DEI is put into place to stop race being a factor in denying them the position.. One can be both a DEI hire and be there based on merit.
See your defining of DEI is all wrong.. DEI makes sure that qualified people of color, female or disability gets hired.. This is because this country has had a history of not hiring these people no matter how qualified they are(especially if they are Black).. People like you think that simply because they are a DEI hire that they are not qualified.. I have heard righties/maga's referring to Justice Kentaji Brown-Jackson as a DEI hire.. This despite the woman's extensive education and accomplishments as an attorney.. In fact she is currently the most accomplished Justice on the bench at time of appointment..
Firstly I fully endorse DEI and understand what it means.. People on the right purposefully twist its meaning; then basically us it as the new n-word.. Every time they see a Black person in a position of authority in their mind that person is a DEI(Didn't Earn It) hire.. Despite that persons educational background and accomplishments..
Thing is I am not bashing Trump at all, I am telling the truth when I call him a moron.. The man went on national tv.. The most watched cable news station in America and repeatedly told his voters not to vote.. His reasoning was that he already had the nomination rapped up because he saw a few yards down in Florida with his signs in them.. Meanwhile the support for his opponent just keeps growing and growing.. That is pure idiocy.. He doesn't even realize that his support among white women in that very state is down four percent from where it was in during his run in 2020 according to the polls..