RomMC37's Replies

It’s a big deal in the Florida Keys. Like crab cakes are to Maryland. She was sprawled out, naked, on a couch, and said to me, “Well are you just going to stand there or what?” I replied, “Where’s Bill?” She said, “Don’t worry about him, he’s outback with the goat.” I walked over to her, and our naked bodies touched! I woke up! Are you kidding me! Are you kidding me! Out of all the women on this planet and it has to be her! Are you kidding me!!! Some dreams aren’t worth remembering. Reoccurring dreams; For me 2 1 Flying and 2 trying to get from point A to point B with many obstacles in my way. Flying. I’ve had 2 different type of flying dreams that were repeated over the years. 1 swimming, about 4ft off of the ground. Doing the ‘breast stroke’ that would propel me forward. In slow motion. About 4/5 times. I know twice as a kid. I read a few things regarding ‘flying dreams’ each reference had to do with, wanting/trying to get away. Escaping so to speak. I think I can buy that assessment! 2 slow motion, once again, taking large leaps, strides, and launching myself into the air. Waving my arms. Reaching the height of the telephone poles, then gently landing, only to repeat again, and again. Once was in the pouring rain. Maybe 4 times in my lifetime I had this one. 2 Getting from point A to point B! The most frustrating and ridiculous irritating dreams I ever had! People. Fences. Houses. Streams. Cars that broke down. Anything and everything that impedes me from getting from point A to point B, successfully! And each time, the destination was never reached. About 3/4 times for this one as well. So, I wake up, exhausted! Pissed off! The first few hours of my day ruined by this aggravating dream. Me allowing my subconscious dream to dictate my conscience hours with negative emotions until I’m able to calm down and let it go. Dreams! The mystery of the human mind. Sigmund Freud wrote a book, ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’ that I found ridiculous! He tried! lol Fantasy tied into reality? Pretty neat and strange at the same time. Fascinating stuff! So Mr. Slimone...maybe a dream catcher is saving you from the horror of a dream. Case in point, sex dreams! I have had 3 of those as well. I remember each one vividly! The 3rd happened about 4 years ago. Right around the Trump/Clinton election. I can’t stand Hillary Clinton! Looks, attitude. The way she talks! But! But! There she was...and there I was! Holding the country in check until January? Until they sort this mess out? More contentious rhetoric and mistrust abound. Causing constant anxiety dividing people more and more. Sure. Why not? What else do WE have to do? The new normal...abnormalities! The ‘split’ that I’m talking about is with the polls and polling. It’s always appearing in tight races regardless of what state it is. 49-48...48-47...51-49 etc., year after year. I have a hard time buying the fact, that 100,000’s or even millions of people are split down the middle like that! Continuously! No matter who’s running or from what party. This 50/50 things makes cause for a ‘run off’. Ballot re-count all too often. Then all the shady stuff comes into play. Once (again) it’s Pennsylvania/Georgia holding the keys to the asylum! Why? The law of averages can’t be (that/this) close year after year. Common sense tells one that. Yes, in football the Steelers and Ravens are 37-36 something like that...I can buy that! But thousands of people voting and things are always that close, every election cycle? Not buying it! “Makes OP feel attacked” That’s deliberate. I don’t want to dance with you. Do your thing. I’m not into bellicose exchange. You have other’s on here to play with. Take care. That is interesting. In many ways. Seeing what they have recently done (4 years) of Russia disinformation, collusion, suppressing the Hunter lap top story, etc. My thought, is, Biden is priming the pump. Making a case for an uprising if the Dems lose big. Acting philosophical and predicting mayhem as a result. I believe him! I believe that chaos will ensue this election. And I also believe those creating the chaos will be Antifa dressed in Trump gear. Saying “See, I told you so!” I still have a hard time believing that 06 January were Trump supporters. That’s just me, no valid proof to back that up. Just an instinct. Pelosi denied requested National Guard. The Capitol police were too friendly as well. I think this recent Biden speech and ‘fortune telling’ has some validity to it. Because it is already planned and in the works. My guess is that the Democratic cities will see a stream of violence that will exhaust everyone. I hope I’m wrong...but...seeing beyond what is obvious is a blessing and a curse. Wait and see! Like I said, I hope I’m wrong. Okay A buddy of mine told me about peacocks recently. I’m looking forward to it! Ostrich is on the list as well. Heard it was actually a red meat not like poultry. Gator Rattlesnake Chocolate Covered Grasshopper Squid Snails (Escargot) in garlic Magnum PI So that’s your thing? Squeezing the juice out of people? Why? Or just this guy The Man? I imagine that you and your cohort enjoy this sort of thing. I was entertained by the banter and watching you to type one another into oblivion, but once you explained that it was deliberate, well, that’s just cruel! Make others’ feel attacked??? Why would you do that? I saw Heart last night. I always liked their early stuff. Their original lyrics. Even they confessed that they ‘sold-out’ during the mid 80’s. This was entertaining Pushing one another into a 1 inch tube! Hilarious! Dreams are filled with ‘falsehood’. Bits and pieces of reality spinning out of control. Your memory from childhood is fact based. Truth. Real events that happened when you were conscious. Dreams? An unwanted script writer twisting your thoughts and ideas into scenarios beyond your control and what is real. A compulsive liar will eventually get caught in their own web. It is extremely hard to ‘remember’ every little detail of an elaborate lie. But, truth and fact will be remembered with absolute clarity. For the most part. Think of a person who commits perjury in court. Their lies become exposed because they twist the truth into a lie. You will always remember the truth. You will forget a lie eventually. Your dreams are a lie, laced with truth. You will forget them for the most part; or, they will be fragmented at least. Only remembering bits and pieces. Maybe you are an honest person living in reality with no room for lies or falsehood. A practical thinker with sound reasoning. Which would make it more difficult to remember a lie. I don’t know if any of this is true or not. I just made it up. But, I will remember what I just wrote to you, because I’m speaking a truth without verification! Take it or leave it...happy dreaming! lol Chris Angel was in town trying to make it disappear. Is it still there? I am anything and everything that you say I am. So what? Now what? On Tuesday, you lose. Can you change that? Okay Almost everything by ‘The Cure’ After a couple of decades of ‘fossil rock’ ears found delight in a lot of Alternative Music 89-99 Now, in 2022 I’m digging the ladies! Halsey Elle King Lana Del Ray And anyone else that sounds sweet...