DarkLeafNinja's Replies

Must be around 50+ for me, watched return of the jedi a lot as a kid on VHS. yes All Might sure is great. I prefer fat godzilla over the slimmed down 00's version. It will show here in Sweden a day before part 2 and we got a marathon showing of both parts on the premiere as well. xD At least Morbius has memes. It's better if they take their time to craft a good narrative with good characters. With good characters nothing really needs to happen. I really like this movie too, probably my favourite David Ayer movie. Yes there are, If you have heard the audio commentary for the first movie, the 3 creators mentions it but I doubt it's anything deep. Mostly just to have the motivation for the two fighting so the movies can happen. Johnny Depp's good French could be because of his marriage with french singer Vanessa Chantal Paradis, he spent a lot of time in france at that time i believe. LMFAO Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning had a hispanic and Guardians Vol 3 had a black man. For real. Nice job! That is disturbing. It was made during the great depression too. hand drawn animation is expensive that's why almost nobody does it these days. 100% agree Why do these old people care anyway, they will be dead within the next 30 years.