pifflepyramid's Replies

What i'm saying is these pharmaceutical companies don't have any honesty or integrity. They are making people ill and profiting from it. The "science" on vaccinations AND viruses is, quite simply, bullshit. From start to finish. But then you don't care anyway cos you're probably just a shill right? Here to waste everyone's time. I think you really should try and get a proper job rather than spend your time trying to justify the behaviour of these criminals. Anyway, i got better things to do than converse with you, bye. You are not seeing the big picture about "wokism". Here is a quote from 1984: " 'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. " This is what wokism is contributing to. Current thinking and morality must now be shoehorned into everything that might possibly threaten modern culture - if you can call it that - or it is seen as racist, sexist and any other ist you care to mention. Lord of the rings is getting the treatment now and, The old films will get newly cgied versions with creole tom bombadil added among other wonderful things. The books, at some point, will be edited to include people of all creeds and colours. Or maybe not cos no one reads anymore, its too time consuming and hard isn't it? Then in 50 years, maybe much earlier, people will have forgotten the earlier tolkien and all its terrible "racism" because only woke tolkien would exist. But it wouldn't be woke tolkien then, it would post-woke tolkien or whatever flavour of woke is terrorising people at that time. And on and on it would go in a permanent state of nonsensical wokeness. This isn't leftist, its the elites trying to mess us up and hate each other. black vs white, gay vs straight - any differences between people they try to amplify to deflected attention from themselves, who are the real monsters here. No true liberal would agree to any of this divide and conquer nonsense. The people pushing this agenda either have serious mental issues and are being used as puppets or are just shill actors for an evil elite. This left and right bs has to stop. Its just created by a controlled media to divide us. The middle way is the true way. What we are experiencing is a type of soft fascism. Anything going against the consensus is labelled as wrong speak / conspiracy theory and is censored whether it has any truth to it or not. No debate is allowed, no critical thinking is allowed, no logical thought is allowed. It's all about pushing people's emotional buttons cos they are easier to control that way. We are living in a dictatorship but we do not realise it. Its money and fear. Money is dictating everything that is happening. Fear of loss of earnings is causing people to fall in line. Fear of rejection from the "collective" is causing people to fall into line. The governments and big pharma have created a public/private union where one is feeding off the other, underpinned by the world banking system. It's a real s**t show. What we need is for people to a return to the classical human values of integrity, honesty, decency and truth. But most people seem to have lost those values today. Shame.