Racist imbeciles should read Tolkien.

Don't they have his books in the rabid, illiterate US?


Reading is gay!! I'm not a gay nerd!!!! im a bad ass tough guy mountain man!!!



You are quite write. But they prefer to scan the Wiki and base their movie and TV scripts on that as well as their absolute certainty that they know better what people should want.


why do social justice warriors even wanna watch Lord of the rings?!? it is a series for neck beard nerds it should be made by neck beer nerds for Nick Bernards(use voice chat to construct this and I left it like it because I think it's pretty funny) and then all the normal people still enjoy it because it will be bad ass. having social justice warriors do this is great injustice and will ruin this once beautiful series!!!


It is the next thing to get mad at that is why.

Next week it will be another beloved franchise and the week after somehting else.

They are like a virus. They infect and destroy and move on.


it sad, they're too stupid to create anything on their own worthwhile so they have to destroy the awesome stuff we normal people created :(




I believe the whole point is to "destroy all norms" and create a [bleak, sorted] new. It's been a pattern for years. Marxism is cancer!


"You are quite write."

Yet you have the nerve to question the intellect of others.


The asswipes here whining about "Wokism" obviously believe that non-whites are a different Race thus they should not be allowed to portray make-believe beings like Dwarves and Elves, but worse of all they refuse to accept that a Hobbit can have dark skin, even though they already have thicc curly Afros. They believe that ONLY White actors should be allowed to be cast as a Tolkien-based character even though Tolkien only described ONE RACE of Men, and that included the Haradrim, Hill men, Hobbits, Variags, and Easterlings.

They claim it's not about race but they dog-whistle "cultural misappropriation" when Tolkien's universe is entirely fictional 😀😀


You are not seeing the big picture about "wokism". Here is a quote from 1984:

" 'Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. "

This is what wokism is contributing to. Current thinking and morality must now be shoehorned into everything that might possibly threaten modern culture - if you can call it that - or it is seen as racist, sexist and any other ist you care to mention. Lord of the rings is getting the treatment now and, The old films will get newly cgied versions with creole tom bombadil added among other wonderful things. The books, at some point, will be edited to include people of all creeds and colours. Or maybe not cos no one reads anymore, its too time consuming and hard isn't it? Then in 50 years, maybe much earlier, people will have forgotten the earlier tolkien and all its terrible "racism" because only woke tolkien would exist. But it wouldn't be woke tolkien then, it would post-woke tolkien or whatever flavour of woke is terrorising people at that time. And on and on it would go in a permanent state of nonsensical wokeness.




but worse of all they refuse to accept that a Hobbit can have dark skin

No one is saying they can't exist just not in Tolkiens world. Go write a fantasy world and have as many black fantasy characters as you want. No one is stopping you.

even though they already have thicc curly Afros

No they don't. Not even close but good try.

Tolkien only described ONE RACE of Men

Straight up lie. Tolkien described every major race in great detail. Read a book once in a while and you would know this.

They claim it's not about race but they dog-whistle "cultural misappropriation" when Tolkien's universe is entirely fictional

Based on hundreds of years of mythology, folklore and history, European history. Black Panther is fictional, so is Blade, so is Shaft, so is nearly every movie and TV show ever made. Maybe we should get rid of the horses and have cars. Maybe instead of fire signals they can just email each other. It is only fictional what does it matter.

Sorry that argument doesn't wash. Fictional is still bound by the world created around it. Also how do you know black people even exist in Middle Earth. Why? because we have them but Middle Earth isn't Earth so why should it automatically be the same. Strange concept to have.

I'll agree with you when i see a white man fighting alongside Black Panther in African tribal gear. Remember it is only fictional.


No one is saying they can't exist just not in Tolkiens world. Go write a fantasy world and have as many black fantasy characters as you want. No one is stopping you.

You just LITERALLY contradicted your first sentence with the second sentence 🤡🤡

Straight up lie. Tolkien described every major race in great detail. Read a book once in a while and you would know this.

Straightup yet you couldn't provide any proof that Tolkien described Men as ONLY WHITE in Middle-Earth. Yet another 🤡 comment.

I'll agree with you when i see a white man fighting alongside Black Panther in African tribal gear. Remember it is only fictional.

Yes, it's only fictional and has no basis in reality, yet here you are defending your Racist demand to keep POC out of adaptions of Tolkien's stories. Btw, Black Panther fights along White superheroes in the movies. It's all Fantasy anyways but even so that has nothing to do with defending your stance.


You just LITERALLY contradicted your first sentence with the second sentence 🤡🤡

No i didn't but nice try. IF you want a fantasy world with black elves then get someone to write one as there are none in Tolkiens world.

Straightup yet you couldn't provide any proof that Tolkien described Men as ONLY WHITE in Middle-Earth. Yet another 🤡 comment.

I don't have to provide any proof of anything. YOu made the initial claim and so burden of proof lays with yourself but as i'm a good sport here is tokiens description of Elves as follows "they are described as tall, fair-skinned, grey-eyed, and almost always dark-haired" so not black ok.

Yes, it's only fictional and has no basis in reality, yet here you are defending your Racist demand to keep POC out of adaptions of Tolkien's stories. Btw, Black Panther fights along White superheroes in the movies. It's all Fantasy anyways but even so that has nothing to do with defending your stance.

Wow you really are something else aren't you. DId i mention superheroes.. No. NIce way to twist you rpoint, poor attempt but still attemot anyway. I said "African tribal gear.".

And finally as you are beyond ridiculous. I never once stated that black people couldn't be in Lord of the Rings. The fact of the matte ris the lore detrmines there are none so you want to put them in just because with no reason. If they were written as black i would want them as black, if they were pakistani i would the same, see where this going.

You just want diversity for diversitys sake, just throw out the lore, that doesn't matter does it.

Lets make creatures who live underground and don't see daylight black, why not. Just because. Doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense.

yet here you are defending your Racist demand to keep POC out of adaptions

It is not racist or any ism to want an accurate portrayal of someones work no matter how many times you want to repeat it. Ill say again fo rthe last time as you really can't understand basic english. There are no black elves or dwarves or hobbits or men in Lord of the Rings. Why is that so hard to understand and more importantly what is wrong with that.

Like i previoulsy said if this was adapted from African lore you would no problem this being all black would you bu tno gotta tear up those nasty whities work, that stuff is evil.




Oh, please, Tolkien's work is based on various European mythologies. Imagine the outcry if a work based on African, Persian or East Asian mythologies cast a bunch of people of European descent in key roles for the sake of "diversity." There would be screams that those characters were being whitewashed and you know it. And the people doing the screaming would largely be the exact same people who think "diversity" in the casting of Tolkien's creation is perfectly fine. It's hypocrisy, full stop.


Don't bring logic to the conversation they don't like that.


Hollywood already Whitewashed decades ago. This forum is literally infested with Gen Zers LOL


If it's "make believe" then why does it matter if they're white either?


It doesn't matter to me, but to it does to Racist aholes who are trying to claim Tolkien as part of their racial paradigm.


How can they be racist if it doesn't matter?

It's just fiction.


It matters to Racists like you, wooshboi


It's just fiction dude ... They are literally fictional races/creatures too.



Actually, the "racist imbeciles" are precisely the ones who have read it.


Is that how you spell it? I thought it was Token this whole time!


Do you have the T-shirt as well???


Alas, no.


Most of the "racist imbeciles" bitching & moaning about non white people being in the show have already read the books or watched the film trilogy, soo...


He said 'browner', never said they were ###### though.


Religious nutjobs probably burnt them all.
