Racist imbeciles should read Tolkien.
Don't they have his books in the rabid, illiterate US?
shareWhy should racists read Tolkien? Tolkien's works are an ethno-centrist's paradise, what with all the homogenous populations. Yes, there is lots of diversity in Middle Earth - but there is no cultural exchange between the various clans. Separate but equal - heard that before?
shareMust be nice to be the smartest person you ever met! LOL...
shareWhat is "Lord of the Rings" really about? It's about people of diverse nations and species forgetting their differences, forgiving old grudges and forgetting the prejudices they were raised with, and learning to work together and value their differing strengths. And the true heroes of the saga aren't the glamorous warriors and kings, they're the humble hobbits, people who are disregarded by everyone else, and the most heroic hobbit of all is a gardener who is near the bottom of the hobbit's social scale! So the whole saga is in fact a lesson in the value of people who are not only of diverse species and nationalities, but of diverse economic backgrounds. Remember the climactic scene in the movie - all the high and might of Middle Earth, the kinds and elf-lords and the wizard, kneeling before a hobbit gardener?
Now the odd thing about the fandom is that it's always included peojple of varying beliefs and political orientations, because the LOTR books reflect both some modern liberal values (diversity and a love for the natural world), and conservative values (social and sexual conservatism). But the fandom has never, ever, welcomed racists, and frankly, what the hell could they possibly enjoy about a saga about overcoming prejudices.
But according to your logic elsewhere on this board, there are no prejudices to overcome, because all of Middle Earth was entirely mixed already in the Second Age. But you're trying to have it both ways.
shareOh, it's you. Prof. Tolkien despised people like you, as do I. Fuck off.
shareThe "everyone who disagrees with me for whatever reason is a racist" routine is getting old. Unless you're a far right extremist, you are doing more damage to your cause than any stormfronter could hope to do.
share"Wah wah waaah! People think I'm racist, just because I demand an all-white cast!"
Oh fuck off.
Yeah, I never said anything of the kind. Straw-man arguments is all you've got, and even that you can't do more than half-assed.
share[Sigh.] Just so everyone knows what this bitchfight is about, it's because this twerp doesn't believe that any actor of color could possibly deserve to be cast in a show set in Middle Earth, that they have to have been cast for "woke points" rather than talent, or because they were the best applicant for the job. He also doesn't understand that dismissing the abilities of people who aren't like him as "diversity hires" is blatantly racist (or sexist, abelist, or homophobic, as the situation applies). AND he doesn't understand squat about the source material.
So fuck OFF, twerp!
Just so everyone knows what this bitchfight is about, it's because this twerp doesn't believe that any actor of color could possibly deserve to be cast in a show set in Middle Earth,
that they have to have been cast for "woke points" rather than talent
or because they were the best applicant for the job.
He also doesn't understand that dismissing the abilities of people who aren't like him as "diversity hires" is blatantly racist (or sexist, abelist, or homophobic, as the situation applies).
AND he doesn't understand squat about the source material.
Here you are, objecting to certain actors getting certain jobs, purely because of the color of their skin. Oh, you don't think that's what you're doing, but it's what you WERE doing.
Now FUCK OFF, you are not worth my time.
Here you are, objecting to certain actors getting certain jobs, purely because of the color of their skin.
Now FUCK OFF, you are not worth my time.