DeathbySnuSnu's Replies

Snow White is white, no? I would totally fuck her in the arse, just to hear her scream. Bet that's a sweet sound. Where did I claim to be smarter than Einstein? Never mentioned anything of the kind. You reckon he believed in Jesus? Seriously? Does anyone think she's not? So this human has spent a lot of time with cosmetic surgeons and we're supposed to accept this human's 6-pack is real? Seems like a cunt I agree. Surely intent is important. Do you not think the intent is to demonise white people? Funny as this is for us she is obviously struggling and surrounded by people who couldn't care less about her and happy to feed her breakdown. He was an absolute monster. He owned the daily Mirror and stole his own employees pension fund. I think his boat was called Ghislaine too and he jumped over the side. Worse than Murdoch. I think what you call a blunt we usually call a spliff. I can not be arsed. I worry any conversation with you will damage my I.Q. One of these is made up, you do know this right? In no way am I condoning doing serious damage. For legal reasons obvs lol. Surely a broken finger is worth it... imagine the joy! To the world! Can't stand this cunt, but let me remind you that James Corden still gets roles Watching it now. It's alright. Sam Rockwell is always worth watching. Yuck I've only noticed this in the last year, since BLM exploded everywhere I guess. I don't agree and will not comply. Maybe in America but has this only changed recently? I am in the UK and we don't do this. It just looks so odd. German is a nationality. So I would. Most Germans are white. White is a race so not capped