MovieChat Forums > DarthAckbar > Replies
DarthAckbar's Replies
he fell in love with a non-gendered person in one episode
i believe the character was executed or imprisoned for it at the end of that episode
That was actually my point, lol
because the plotosauraus fell in a big hole
did you stop after TOS cast blacks, asians and women?
or did you wait for their black/white racial relations episode?
personally i made until TNG Riker's gay lover episode before I bailed.
that one is a fake
maybe The Woman from A.U.N.T?
he's already too old now, they are looking for 30-33
it says manafort did, not trump, but i guess you cant read
not about campaign help
lol yep
i stopped before S1
15 years
manafort met with the russians about their campaign
so did the trump kids
Random moviechat poster: somoanjoes
must have been very strong
i dont think i would click on a thread titled "What an impact!" or "wow" for an episode i havent seen