Deadpool1992's Replies

You're a leftist, I've seen more racism come from the left than the right. And you seem to have "white guilt" which means you must have done something and using your ancestors as a scapegoat to avoid taking responsibility. Same goes for Kowalski. Facts? What facts? You haven't spoken any facts or even defend your deluded ramblings. What do you think You started thus and now you're begging me to stop? Victim mentality you have. But people like you do it out of your mouth You can't even explain what Billy said, you're deflecting and saving face because you've been caught out. OK I play your game. Kindly state where I said that transgenderism is a mental illness? I find this Jamie clown an idiot but that seems to be transphobic, right? Because you're all geniuses. 🤣 Your first comment, you accuse me of hating on trans. So you didn't call me a transphobe so what are you pissed off about, what is it that I said that triggered you into throwing tantrums. So it confirms that he's calling you a homophobic weirdo for not seeing his movie. You haven't seen it so you're a homophobic weirdo, that's what your nessiah Billy is calling you. Mainly you. Yes they would And thus you prove my point, yeah I don't agree with you so I must be some kind of phobe meanwhile you can go bully, threaten & harass people then cry victim. It was a simple question and you deflected, basically admitting that your boy Billy is blaming straight people for this movies failure. Looks like an analogy admitting you're full of shit. You're always angry Kowalski, maybe you should give this board a break and go outside. You called me a transphobe because apparently according to you, I'm one of Elliot Page's hater even though I've never posted on EP's page. What have you heard before that is the umpteenth time? JK Rowling? That's funny because you people continue to talk about her to this day, saying the sane shit. Challenge? 🤣 is that what you call throwing tantrums and accusing everybody of being a phobe while behaving like a deranged snowflake. You're calling me desperate while your desperate for attention, looking at your history, all you seem to do is pick fights, such a great representation of the rainbow mafia. I'm guessing deadname refers to the birth name. This clown is JK Rowling's No.1 hater and if you disagree with this individual then you are transphobic according to them. OK, in all your tantrums, you never tried to explain what good old Billy meant