MovieChat Forums > SpiritualLiar > Replies
SpiritualLiar's Replies
I don't need to watch 20 minutes of some Youtube nerd spouting Latin phrases and quoting Carl Jung, to know the world is insane.
Such a video is not going to cure anyone's insanity, so...
What a great comeback there. You just said "NUUUR THATS YOU GUYS!"
I've had sex with more brown men than you've even met. If I started giving you details you'd cry like a bitch and say "ok I didn't need to know that!".. (the point being you're so soft, squeamish and pathetic you can't even handle adult consensual sex.)
The Quran is a book full of incredibly violent instructions for war and murder. It was written by a psychotic warlord called Moo-ham-head who lived in a cave because every society or country/empire/whatever had rejected his ass. He married an infant girl and first "made love" to her when she was 9. I suggest you research "Aisha" if you think I made that up.
They don't read a lot of other books over there in Towelheadland. Just the one made by the beheading-happy warlord man who like to fuck kids. That's all they read.
They don't get much "Harry Potter". Did you know that? By not letting them in, we were just being realistic not "racist".
You know absolutely nothing about the ISISlamic world OR Mexico. Mexico looks like a jolly tea party compared to Syria, Iraq, etc...
I want to ask you to stick to only discussing things you understand but that is like asking you to take a vow of silence.
Don't waste your time telling me more BS about "racism", you pathetic, greasy geek.
<blockquote>the day before your lord and savior fixed everything magically just by being inaugurated.</blockquote>
He fixed it by not letting any more "refugees" in, or an extremely reduced amount of them, like down to probably less than a 1000. If that.
That was logic not magic.
Logic that Forrest Biden (a.k.a. President Jimmy Savile) is now fast-working to undo, of course.
We don't believe in magic, Obama cultists believed in magic, because they were and are children.
And leftists believe that "refugees" are magical people who are going to give us pots of gold and teach us spells as a result of letting them into our countries. You are a dipshit.
Extremely dull (just how he likes it)
This movie was awesome. Especially the music. And the villain is funny as hell.
People who complain about "poor model work" or something are complete nerds, I have no idea that he means, there was no special effect in the movie that would make any normal person complain.
<blockquote>You are an unhappy individual.</blockquote>
What kind of lunatic would be happy about President Gropesalotofkids being shoehorned into the White House, and the coming ISISlamification of the West?
What kind of lunatic would be happy about that?
You have nothing of value at all to say. Kee-lai-yourself in front of your family.
Have you got me on ignore, ISIS-lover?
Afraid of the truth?
<blockquote>Tucker Carlson In Hungary Supporting <b>Authoritarian</b> Leader
posted 12 hours ago by Keelai (14808)
10 replies | jump to latest
"Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Thursday whitewashed Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's <b>autocratic</b> record, </blockquote>
He was elected because people of his country wanted him to close the border to so-called "refugees", and he did. He's following that promise, that makes him an elected democratic leader (unlike Forrest Biden)
None of that makes him "authoritarian", or "autocratic". You are a twisted terrorist-swooning, pseudo-intellectual simpleton who just likes the way those words sound, and you enjoy using those words to make anti-ISISlam people sound like the bad guys. That's all there is to it.
If Mudslime terrorists were to enter Hungary and kill a bunch of people, you would ferociously jack off to pictures of the blood-soaked corpses, because you are a cuntpugnant, sick twisted fuck. Just like anyone else who is retarded enough to support Biden.
Kill yourself in front of your family "Keelai", you lying, loathsome, putrid piece of garbage. Thanks in advance.
<blockquote>It’s August!</blockquote>
And it only took you a week to notice!
Here's a famous act of violence by "refugees" who came from Syria to the West.
130 people died, in case you forgot.
So why are the DHS wasting time profiling Trump supporters as terrorists, when they should be worried about Biden and Obama's precious "refugeeeeees"?
He's a scumbag for talking to real people who were involved in real events? Hahahahah!
Good, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who hates these piece of garbage.
<blockquote>You insult as a substitute for thought</blockquote>
If telling the truth about you and your fellow schizophrenia patients is an "insult", that's your problem not mine.
Saying "heh, you like, heh *pushes glasses up nose* heh, substitute, heh *pushes glasses up nose* thought for heh, *pushes glasses up nose*" blah blah whatever.... how does that magically make this thread have a point?
Why are Americans supposed to be alarmed at being ranked "11" in a study publicized by a hugely struggling Eurotrash newspaper that has to beg its readers for donations?
Can you tell me exactly what Americans are supposed to do in response to your reporting of this "news". or will you just post another monumentally lame attempt at a dismissive comeback, that makes you sound like an 11 year old.
You see you have to talk to real people or do a little bit of looking to find that information out.
He only knows what DA TEE VEE tells him. Stephen Cultdork and Rachel Madcow are his only friends.
My mother has a life-altering brain aneurysm she has waited over a year just to get a scan done on her brain. A whole year. She had to stop working in March 2020 cause she could barely walk. She's been living downstairs in a " spare room" ever since then.
She lives in the UK, that's a place you pathetic lefties imagine to be a "magical socialist paradise" hahaha.
People die here waiting for all sorts of operations. They get fobbed off by grumpy, unaccountable doctors, and there are tons of stories of doctors telling young people they are "imagining" their illness and then they go home and drop dead four days later.
And there are stories of grumpy-ass nurses forgetting to bother giving their patient food or water for days.
Your fantasy world needs to be ripped from your pathetic baby brain, pissed on and then shoved down your gullet, you pathetic video-game addicted, ISIS-swooning ,basement dwelling, smelly Bernie-t-shirt wearing little freak.
Wait what? I thought McCain saved Obamacare or something? and I thought Obamacare magically fixed everything? Remember, the thumb-down thing?
Are you still saying Trump "ruined" the country, despite the fact at most points of his presidency you leftists said he was "defeated" and "humiliated" by people in congress, and that they were keeping his plans in check?
Is this yet another one of those instances in which he was somehow both "conquering the country with his brand of fascism", and yet also being "humiliatingly defeated" at the same time?
And even when he's been gone for over half a year, you feel compelled to paint the never-ending self-contradictory picture which I just described?
As the only doctor who can be bothered to examine you, I must tell you your schizophrenia is absolutely chronic and only jumping from a great height can relieve you of the symptoms.
Watch out Jo. "Liberals" don't like it when you ask them to imagine things.
That's way beyond a zombie robot's scant faculties.
Why dont any liberals agree with my plan?
<blockquote>Your kind of late with your <b>faux outrage</b>.</blockquote>
So wait.. despite Trump supporters supposedly being the biggest bunch of racist fascists ever, you're saying they're only *pretending* to hate the first black president?
Okay then...WOW!
let's be honest, GenericBidenLovingToolbag938259023 - the only "thought" you put into your post was the following one:
"If people find I know the word FAUX, I'll be like, invited to so many parties! They'll be all like.. "wow that guy speaks French!"