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US ranks last in healthcare among 11 wealthiest countries despite spending most

US ranks last in healthcare among 11 wealthiest countries despite spending most

US spends 17% of GDP on healthcare but struggles with affordability and has the most administrative hurdles

The US is last on a ranking of healthcare systems among 11 of the wealthiest countries in the world, despite spending the highest percentage of its GDP on healthcare, according to a new report from the Commonwealth Fund.
The report notes that unlike the other countries in the study, the US does not provide universal healthcare coverage. Americans are more likely to have problems paying medical bills and have their insurance denied. A larger percentage of Americans say they spend a lot of time on paperwork for medical bills, and doctors report having more trouble prescribing medication for patients because of restrictive health insurance coverage.
Schneider said the country’s comparably weak healthcare system made it harder for the US to handle the Covid-19 pandemic.

“One could predict, based on the inequities and the relatively weaker primary care, that we would be in a position to struggle in fighting the pandemic,” he said.


"The other countries analyzed in the report were Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK."

What about



Obviously, they were not included in the study.

If you want information about some of the other countries you mention, specifically Japan, Italy, Denmark and some others, try looking around or checking out:

Country Profiles
International Health Care System Profiles

Read full profiles of international health systems describing the role of government, how systems are organized and financed, who and what is covered, and what is being done to ensure quality of care, reduce disparities, and promote care coordination.


My mother has a life-altering brain aneurysm she has waited over a year just to get a scan done on her brain. A whole year. She had to stop working in March 2020 cause she could barely walk. She's been living downstairs in a " spare room" ever since then.

She lives in the UK, that's a place you pathetic lefties imagine to be a "magical socialist paradise" hahaha.

People die here waiting for all sorts of operations. They get fobbed off by grumpy, unaccountable doctors, and there are tons of stories of doctors telling young people they are "imagining" their illness and then they go home and drop dead four days later.

And there are stories of grumpy-ass nurses forgetting to bother giving their patient food or water for days.

Your fantasy world needs to be ripped from your pathetic baby brain, pissed on and then shoved down your gullet, you pathetic video-game addicted, ISIS-swooning ,basement dwelling, smelly Bernie-t-shirt wearing little freak.


Many, many more people die waiting for treatment or from lack of treatment in the US.

One might expect if you are so brilliant and such a know it all that you might help your mother, but insults probably don't help her and that is all you can do.

Your story is probably made up anyway. Your logic is crap ... it is basically there are things wrong wherever you look, so don't bother trying to improve anything. Don't you ever get tired of being such a useless, illogical, ill-informed, punk?


It seems to me it's an odd study to analyze "11 Wealthiest Countries" and exclude Japan (and to a lesser extent Italy which has been G6 for forever)

List of Countries by GDP

I get that we don't want to look at China, India, Brazil and other developing nations, but still some of these "11" are way way out


Switzerland (20)
Sweden (23)
Norway (31)
New Zealand (52)

and excluding South Korea (11) and Spain (13)

And just to pat myself on the back

Austria (29)
Belgium (24)
Denmark (39)

All bigger than New Zealand


I don't think it changed the facts or the brokenness of US healthcare. No doubt the US would come up short even if you added in many other countries. We have turned from being a prosperous, progressive, proud country to a shameful manipulated idiocracy, and you can see the idiocrats love to post Right-Wing extremist propaganda here all day every day.


The other consideration is that the study uses the term "wealthiest" which may or may not strictly mean reported GDP.

I doubt there are 30 countries more "wealthy" than Norway (per capita) counting their oil reserves.

I read an article in 2005 that argued Norway (in 2005) was the richest country in history. Which I considered absurd, but never really investigated.


It would be interesting to hear different arguments for what the definition of wealthiest should be.


Is this why so many come to the U. S. for specialized healthcare? Why kids from foreign lands are sent here to repair deformities? I get it now. It’s because we rank last.🙄🙄


You see you have to talk to real people or do a little bit of looking to find that information out.

He only knows what DA TEE VEE tells him. Stephen Cultdork and Rachel Madcow are his only friends.


Wait what? I thought McCain saved Obamacare or something? and I thought Obamacare magically fixed everything? Remember, the thumb-down thing?

Are you still saying Trump "ruined" the country, despite the fact at most points of his presidency you leftists said he was "defeated" and "humiliated" by people in congress, and that they were keeping his plans in check?

Is this yet another one of those instances in which he was somehow both "conquering the country with his brand of fascism", and yet also being "humiliatingly defeated" at the same time?

And even when he's been gone for over half a year, you feel compelled to paint the never-ending self-contradictory picture which I just described?

As the only doctor who can be bothered to examine you, I must tell you your schizophrenia is absolutely chronic and only jumping from a great height can relieve you of the symptoms.


I'm wondering if USA is better today than the odd exclusions (Japan, Italy, South Korea, etc.) than it was before Obamacare... Before Obamacare USA might have ranked 60th or worse.

But the proof is in the pudding:

Democrats will not vote to lower Medicare eligibility to age 64, even beginning with people born in 2022.

Republicans will not vote to raise Medicare eligibility to age 66, even beginning with people born in 2022.


> I thought McCain saved Obamacare or something? and I thought Obamacare magically fixed everything?

The problem is that you don't think. You insult as a substitute for thought, and you are not good at it either.


You insult as a substitute for thought

If telling the truth about you and your fellow schizophrenia patients is an "insult", that's your problem not mine.

Saying "heh, you like, heh *pushes glasses up nose* heh, substitute, heh *pushes glasses up nose* thought for heh, *pushes glasses up nose*" blah blah whatever.... how does that magically make this thread have a point?

Why are Americans supposed to be alarmed at being ranked "11" in a study publicized by a hugely struggling Eurotrash newspaper that has to beg its readers for donations?

Can you tell me exactly what Americans are supposed to do in response to your reporting of this "news". or will you just post another monumentally lame attempt at a dismissive comeback, that makes you sound like an 11 year old.


Why not 11 out of 12, or 11 out of 100 countries?

The entire basis for this article seems negatively biased from the start.

It is possible that it's honest but the title doesn't lean in that direction.

PS. The US healthcare system pisses me off at times. I am not here to protect it. Just being honest.


Experts in finding the most ridiculous thing to question.
"Why didn't they include Transylvania, it's sounds like bullshit"
Just like a good robot.


If you want government health care go spend 1 day at a Veteran Hospital and see how great it is or STFU


To quote the greatest American ever, those losers shouldn't get anything.


> If you want government health care go spend 1 day at a Veteran Hospital and see how great it is or STFU

If you want private healthcare go and spend 1 day in the worst hospital in America right now, and I can assure you it would be much, much, much, much worse. And you know that too, and you still hypocritically whore for the aristocracy every minute or your fake life.


“One could predict, based on the inequities and the relatively weaker primary care, that we would be in a position to struggle in fighting the pandemic,” [Schneider] said."

First, I support universal healthcare (and higher taxes on working people to pay for it.) Every study for the last 30+ years seems to show what this one shows, that these other countries have better healthcare and it costs less. Of course there aint no such thing as a free lunch, there are plusses and minusses.

Having said that... I am a little disturbed that some of these "more evolved" places like Japan, the UK, Belgium, Italy are handling Covid19 worse than the USA. Also, I don't know if Pfizer, Moderna, J&J are really "American" companies, but we got the vaccines pretty quickly. This might have less to do with "healthcare" per se and more to do with our policy of channeling the fruits of production upwards to the gilded class, so there are piles of money available to throw at a crisis.


>> (and higher taxes on working people to pay for it.)

I don't know what you mean by this.

I support paying for everything out of the same pot, because honestly pretending it is different pots is just a tool of obfuscation and opaqueness, with steeply increasing progressive income tax and wealth tax, with no deductions ( wipe the slate clean, at least to start with ).


You’re talking about paying for healthcare services…not the actual care itself, but nice spin you socialist tool. Thousands of doctors and nurses work their asses of for ungrateful people like you every hour of every day to provide excellent healthcare around this country.

I’ve said this to you a lot, but you’re always free to move to these other countries you like so much more than this one. No one would miss your bitching here, and I’m sure the next country you move to will love it when you start bitching about their system when you notice it’s flaws.

Have a average day. Good luck in your lifelong quest to undeservedly steal everyone else’s hard earned wealth.


You are an idiot! Police and fire fighters get paid by taxes as well. By your logic it's every man for himself and we should privatize police, fire fighters and public schools.


Eat shit you “all or nothing” extremist nutjob. Sick to death of all of you on here thinking you know what’s best for the rest of us, and trying to demand what we should do with every aspect of our lives, and the money we work for. It’s none of your god damn business what other people do with their lives and earnings. Assholes like you trying to play big brother and intrude on everyone else’s lives are laughable.

Privatize whatever you’d like. That’s not my decision. I’m personally happy to pay taxes for police, firefighters, roads, and even public school. Things society actually collectively uses. My line stops there. It’s not my or anyone else’s job to pay for YOUR college education or YOUR healthcare. Yes, I’m allowed to have a line, and it’s wherever the hell I want it to be. I vote accordingly, and nut jobs like Bernie, Warren, and AOC won’t ever be on my radar.


I can voice and speak on whatever I damn well please. I live in this country as well you hypocrite douche bag. It becomes my business when it affects me. Society does not collectively use healthcare? You realize you sound like a complete moron? Keep burying yourself you boot licker!

Well I don't personally want to pay for fire fighters, police or public schools I mean after all I don't use them. It should be your job to pay for those things not mine. Those are things you use not me. It is not my responsibility to pay for police to visit YOUR home. If it is every man for himself then lets be consistent with the mentality. Healthy people benefit everyone you brain dead ape.


Well I don't personally want to pay for fire fighters, police or public schools I mean after all I don't use them.

Then don’t. I don’t really give a shit. I would love for every American to be able to pick and choose which taxes come out of their paycheck. You’ll wish you had police and firefighters when someone breaks into your house and beats your pussy ass and sets your doll collection on fire.

I live in this country as well you hypocrite douche bag

Yeah, unfortunately you do, and all you can do is bitch about it, so why don’t you get the hell out? Go to one of those countries who do everything the way you like. I’m sure the taxpayers will gladly collectively pay to get you, and any other person who shits on their country a ticket so you can move those other countries you love and try to spend all of their money.

And getting called a hypocrite by a progressive extremist is the funniest thing in the world. You have your head so far up the government’s ass you can see the next thing they are going to steal from the public, and the next right they are going to take away, and you’ll support them every step of the way.


Tell me where I have the choice to do that you idiot! I don't have a choice. Also never used police in my life I will be fine. The taxes are not a choice you are forced to pay them.

Boot licking like you is disgusting. Oh don't try to improve the country just keep things the same. Yeah that's great logic... Any suggestions on how to improve the country means you hate America. Welcome to a boot lickers paradise. Do not question, just follow what you are told. Brainwashing at it's finest.

By your logic they are stealing from me as well. I pay for police and have never used them that is theft!


To be fair, none of those countries have 11-22m+ illegals living within their country so it probably skews a lot of the record on people being unable to afford it. I do agree however that we have a healthcare issue since many have to rely on crowdfunding to support paying for procedures and bill costs.


No, that is not being fair. They have poor people and illegals, and if the US started managing those issues instead of aggravating them and using them are a reason to ignore what the rest of the civilized world is doing ... maybe we would make some progress.


you do realize that you are bashing our greatest most reliable extreme super president ever? dementia Joe will fix everything soon, free healthcare and free rent is just days away...
