MovieChat Forums > Thaistickers > Replies
Thaistickers's Replies
Signs of progress!
$3.49 from Aldi? I regularly get Winking Owl for $1.99 from Aldi here. I think it's a little better than 2-buck Chuck!
You are a very weak-minded person, aren't you? Since there were 2 witnesses--her legislative director who was with her and the officer who pounded on her door--this lie is easily disproved.
Who the hell is Ryan Fournier or David Blanka? You're deluded if you think the MSM would not be all over this if there were any proof! But I was just reading an opinion piece in the NYTimes explaining conspiracy theorists way of thinking, and any evidence counter to their belief is quite simply ascribed to being another deep state lie. In other words, lack of evidence for AOC not being in the Capitol will not deter the crazies.
Provide a link. You read it on some reputable outlet, obviously?
Still I see it as an entertainment show and so I think it belongs here. I made no political statement. The post was politicized by moviemancin2.
Why are you cons such snowflakes? Try acting like a real man for once, and not try to hide behind some guideline that is hardly black-and-white in its interpretation. If you can't defend Hannity don't try to remove him from discussion here, where the "left," as you like to lump everyone who is not a tRumpnut, are mightily entertained by his extremely addled mind.
Remember, Fox says that Hannity et. al. are entertainment, not news, so this board is the right board.
Canterbury Tales is Middle English, not Renaissance, which is not much different from today's English (Shakespeare). Chaucer's English is a whole different stew. And, Hownos, I hear ya! Though I love Shakespeare, he's much more difficult to audit than to read, due to his dense metaphors and complex phrasing--you need time to digest what he's throwing at you, which you just don't have while watching a play or movie. But watching a performance may give you a better idea, when you re-read later, of just what the action you are reading the dialog of looks like, at least through the prism of the director's and cast's interpretation.
Everybody should do it at least once, unless they are very frail mentally. It alters your perceptions and your sense of self, and thus you may learn to know yourself a little bit better.
Both horrible
Right on brother. Something needs to be done to help the adult white male before the last of their species is cancelled. It could happen in our lifetime!
Well, they promptly refunded my subscription. No explanation offered though on why they stopped allowing public input.
Not that I saw. I messaged their customer service and am awaiting a reply. I never noticed any vile speech--of course I always selected "reader's picks" and so never read the low-voted vile stuff, if there was any.
That's a weird site. Unless I'm not using it right, you can't enter a specific film and call up a chat board devoted to discussing that movie. The website layout is very cluttered and, well, ugly. Maybe it's good for politics, I don't know (or care), but it's nothing like the old IMDB (of course things could get pretty ugly on the old IMDB too!) I prefer moviechat.
I wonder why (maybe they are having an existential crisis due to the election and its ugly aftermath), but it's about time! It always chafed me that they would be hailed as the ratings leader when if you combined the ratings of their competitors (CNN and MSNBC) they would come in second (and they had no competition for the wing-nut viewers). There was an article today (can't remember where) about how Fox News is not allowed to broadcast in Britain, due to a combination of low viewership and inaccurate reporting.
I think they would make better citizens than you!
There were no "Democrat" debates.
Brush, rinse, floss, rinse, brush