MovieChat Forums > SLukyanenko > Replies
SLukyanenko's Replies
1. Since the author of the book was a Socialist, you'd have to be a complete simpleton to think the purpose of 1984 was to argue against Socialism. Your child like attachment to this delusion is both hilarious and pathetic.
2. Looks like you are developing a fetish! Antifa is not an organization. Al Qaeda is. That's the point. Just relax in being wrong.
3. Facts? You have no idea what they are. You are about as effective in citing fact to support your case as a random word generator.
If our beliefs are based on evidence and not gossip, we do indeed know the "true amount" of help Weinstein gave Lawrence: she was involved with exactly one film he produced, she got the part because the director chose her (not Weinstein), and his only boost to her career came from campaigning for her during awards season, which was not selfless but advanced his own agenda as well as hers.
1. You've just answered whether the book was pro or anti Socialist for yourself and that it was a question designed to distract. I'm glad I was able to get you to start thinking realistically about the book for the first time in your life. You're welcome.
2. Just you trying to change the subject now that I've got you on the ropes. The fact remains that Anifa is not now and never was an organization, so your treatment of it as one was just silly and factually out of touch with reality.
3. I note your complete capitulation on providing evidence for actual Socialism in the USA with great satisfaction. Always amusing to debate people who haven't a clue and never will.
Stupid, knuckle dragging hicks. This will go nowhere, as it should.
Uh, no pumpkin, you are proving MY point. But feel free to hallucinate otherwise.
I think it was a decent, clever film, but once you've seen it and get the joke, there's no reason to watch it again.
Perhaps that's just me. For someone who loves horror films and enjoys the way it made fun of typical horror film tropes, maybe it gets better with repeat viewings. I'm just not a huge fan of the genre.
1. Hate to break it to you, but books do not have opinions. People do. Orwell was a Socialist, and that's just a fact. Grow up and deal with it.
Step one would be to ask yourself why a Socialist would write 1984 while steadfastly remaining a Socialist. Did you even read the book?
2. Al Qaeda is an actual organization with members, money flows, and coordinated projects. Antifa is just a philosophy of being against fascism. Are you against fascism? Then you are "part" of Antifa, like it or not.
3. None of your examples of government activities even remotely resemble anyone actively attempting to make all American businesses owned and controlled by workers. That you would even cite such things just shows how laughably desperate you are to manufacture a world inside your head which feeds your fantasies.
1. Orwell was an enthusiastic supporter of socialism, which means any attempt to quote him as attacking socialism is made in complete and utter ignorance of his actual beliefs and intentions. You right wingers essentially know nothing.
2. You showed no such thing. Anifia is not now and never was an organization. You apparently don't even know what that word means in English.
3. Irrelevant. You cannot cite any activity in the United States that is poised to create worker ownership of all businesses in the nation. That's why you keep trying to change the subject. Won't work on me, so don't bother.
Once again, you utterly and completely failed to establish the truth of anything in the OP. The burden of proof is on you and your delusions and irrelevant statements do nothing to advance your case. You've proven to be fiercely uneducated and completely disinterested in objective reality.
1. The public is not turning on the left. In fact, every major policy proposal in Bernie Sander's campaign was supported by a majority of Americans in polls taken at the time. Even a majority of Rethuglicans support Medicare for All.
But I'm sure you'd never let reality interfere with your delusions.
2. You couldn't give a correct definition of an ad hominem if your life depended on it.
3. Your critique of Harris is 100% a product of your sexism.
1. You gave me a quote from Orwell, who was a devoted socialist. Nuff said about your cluelessness.
2. Your inability to tell me anything about Anifa as an organization has been duly noted.
3. Your inability to document efforts in the US to give control of companies to workers has also been duly noted.
You people just love to self-own, don't you?
I have absolutely no doubt that a man displaying exactly the same behavior would not even register on your brain.
In keeping with your complete ignorance, you are apparently unaware of the fact that for decades there have been successful companies throughout the entire world which have been run on socialist principles and have successfully out-competed their capitalist rivals.
I get it--you are fundamentally opposed to freedom and democracy. Why else would you react in horror at the idea of these principles being extended to the workplace? It isn't as if it doesn't work, because we know for an objective fact that it does work. So you must hate these values at a very deep level.
The media are beholden to their corporate masters and to maintaining the capitalist status quo. If you don't understand this, you fundamentally don't understand reality.
Further evidence that you are completely disconnected from objective reality is your characterization of antifa as an "organization". Tell me, sweet peas: where are their headquarters? How do you sign up? Who is the leader? What are the membership dues? Where are the meetings held?
And none of your completely deranged examples of "evidence" show genuine progress towards making workers owners and controllers of their workplaces as a country wide policy. Sure, I'm happy there are unions. But if the premise of the OP were genuine, they would be gaining power rather than being diminished. You literally have no idea what you are talking about.
Burden proof is on you folks, genius.
What measures, exactly, are currently being implemented or planned that would result in all workplaces in the US transferring ownership and management to the people who work there?
Good luck with citing anything, but history shows that when asked to back up your claims, you routinely run for the hills.
I wish your bizarre, paranoid, evidence free crazy delusions were true and we really were headed for a society where the workplace was a democracy (that was Marx's goal), but it ain't happening any time soon, if at all.
Oh, absolutes? Howabout the absolute that slavery and genocide are never, under any circumstances, justifiable, and always evil.
That's an absolute most atheists, such as myself, hold to. But your bible does not, which makes your religion one based on absolute evil.
Jesus doesn't intimidate anyone, What is scary, though, is how thoroughly brainwashed people like you just shrug off a text that encourages slavery and genocide.
What this tells me is that you have nothing that even remotely resembles a moral compass and that your religion could easily be used to manipulate you into supporting or even performing monstrous acts.
How do you think about the parts of your bible which command folks to commit genocide, forbid the eating of shellfish, and give advice on the right way to treat your slaves? Is it all good or do you pick and choose what to listen to?
This may shock you, but quite a lot of people don't believe in your religion or even take it seriously. When you write things like that you're more likely to earn laughter than anything else.
You're asking him to have rational views based on evidence. That isn't a thing trolls are into.