andersonb85's Posts

Kermit interviews Pinocchio RIP Miss Florida 🍊 juice Rate a 70s song 🎡 Rate an 80s song 🎡 πŸ‘Œ Ernie wants an ice cream cone🍦 Trump directing traffic in front of the Trump Tower in Manhattan Lefty's plan Happy 90thπŸ‘ Mahna Mahna 🎡 Mahna Mahna 🎡 you wanna buy an 8? you wanna buy a snowman? RIP Peter Yarrow Evolution of the Muppet show intro from 1976-2021 Full resignation speech Introducing Reggie Brown Obama democracy forum post election & his hopes for unity & bipartisanship in America Obama impersonator crashes Republican leadership conference in Louisiana Clinton interviews Carter on his legacy & other issues in politics Clinton interview with the NY Times over the state of the Democratic party post-election