MovieChat Forums > marissa55414
marissa55414 (6)
If Trump is not reelected, China will unleash virus number five, and it will be worse. Democrats are on China's side.
No one is going to watch this crap. Its so completely by the numbers, why woukld anyone bother?
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We will see what happens. The more hate liberals throw at Trump, the more people see through it. Trump is the reason Ford motors is making respirators, Trump is the reason Americans are not starving, althoug bDemocrats did manage to pass themselves a raise. Trump's January travel ban saved lives, and Democrats called it xenophobic. Trump is the one organizing medical research teams, and trying so hard to get the quarantine to end. You realize that every single day we spend in quarantine longer, thousands of small businesses will close their doors forever, and millions more will be jobless after it ends. This seems to be what Democrats want. In my opinion, most people have grown bored enough of the whole thing to not even bother to answer polls, or even read news at this point. But just wait. When people are terrified about losing their jobs for good, and Democrats keep on harping about the 12thousand people who have died( which is about the same as dies from the flu EVERY SINGLE YEAR) they may very well understand who is trying his best to help the country, and who does nothing but blame, bully, and complain. WHAT HAVE DEMOCRATS DONE BUT TRY TO BLAME TRUMP FOR A VIRUS THAT ONLY CHINA C AN BE BLAMED FOR? And I think its pretty obvious if Trump is NOT re elected, not only will the economy never recover, the banks fail( YOU SRE A LIBERAL, AND THEREFORE PROBABLY DO NOT KNOW THE STIMULUS MONEY IS ALL BORROWED FROM BANKS) and China will NEVER BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE!!! This is the FPOURTH VIRUS CHINA HAS UNLEASHED, DEMOCRATS HAVEN'T EVEN REPRIMANDED THEM. TRUMP WILL MAKE SURE CHINA DOESN'T DO THIS AGAIN. DEmocrats take bribes from China, and will take their side.
No one is forcing you to answer. if you are uninterested, the solution good, mature people take is to simply not answer that particular post. I am not finding you interesting either, and while I don't know enough to judge the original post, I can judge you.
I watched it and it sucks.
It absolutely does suck. First of all, its a really annoying quasi liberal blather about "taking land away from native people". Which is BS on so many levels its not even funny. I think the major reason there is no such thing as movies that can be enjoyed by both adults and children is because Hollywood mostly tries to indoctrinate kids into liberal think, not actually make good entertaining movies. Its the same reason that you seldom have truly heroic male leads in films. Wouldn't want boys to think they can be leaders.
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