T-rump poll numbers continue to slide just months before election
According to a new poll taken by Morning Consult, T-rump's approval numbers continue to slide after seeing a slight bump in March, as they became more likely to blame the president for the disease’s outbreak in the United States.
In a new poll of 1,997 registered voters taken in late March-early April, 47 percent of voters now disapprove of how Trump has handled the coronavirus outbreak. That's up 4 % in two weeks.
Florida, the key swing-state shows the most trouble for T-rump. The University of North Florida poll shows Biden winning by a 46 to 40 percent margin over Trump. In national polls, 47% said they would vote for Biden, and 41% for T-rump. Traditionally, anything under 50% for the incumbent usually means 'defeat' in November.
Said conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin for WaPo, “Once again, an incumbent president who draws only 41 percent in the midst of a national crisis appears rather weak.”
She added, “We are only in early April, meaning Trump has seven months to convince voters he did not fail to recognize the threat of the pandemic, did not fail to exert presidential leadership, did not mislead the American people and did not abdicate responsibility for the worst domestic disaster in more than 100 years.”
“In short, we are seeing an unprecedented phenomenon — a fleeting bump for the incumbent in the midst of a national crisis and a sustained lead for a challenger who is by and large trapped in his basement,” she concluded. “Maybe Trump’s daily diatribes are not helping him.”