leftonfalcon's Replies

Those numbers are accurate. As for Trump, I can give you a laundry list of what he's done to mitigate a total disaster, but I assume you'll dismiss that as well, seeing that you will dismiss data. It wasn't smart at all. It has the audience chasing rabbits. Total bore. It got made because Get Out was a hit. Shutting down the country is not the answer. Also, the numbers don't add up to the US being too lax. When Trump shut down travel with China, people tried to call him racist. When he shut it down with Europe, they called him hasty. The numbers don't add up to the hysteria the media sell. Per capita, for every million people, only 409 people are infected. Yeah, but you said "good." Us is a wet turd on a sandy beach. This is a clear case of somebody needing a simple story told to them. This is by far the best ambiguous film ever. It's ambiguous as space is to man. There are key fractal elements for the audience to pick up on, making the interpretations almost infinite. One GOOD film is Get Out, name the other one you mention. Dude is a total hack job. HAHAHA! Too funny. ITT Taylor Swift's fanbase is middle aged men Still seems better than Reddit. It's communism with extra steps. No Time to Retry It's not a matter of being triggered, it's a matter of watching the interview and objectively understand what's happening. You either enjoy Antonioni, or you find his films unbearable and obnoxious. Great critique on Blow Up. It's not really considered getting owned when the "interview" is designed to pick apart any tweet considered close to controversial, and for some reason the interviewer wants to bring up titles of Ben Shapiro debates on YouTube that other people post. She's just the puppet at the end of her handler's strings. Nothing to admire. I make sure I replace all my empty water bottles with filled ones.