MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Right wingers should be happy if he wins

Right wingers should be happy if he wins

He’s basically just a right winger. Much like Trump, he says a bunch of promises that we all know he wont fulfill. He constantly says dumb cringeworthy shit that only embarrasses the nation. Biden just uses the liberal mask to win over the youngins. Trump and Biden are practically the exact same, so if he wins the democratic nomination, right wingers should be glad because it’s a win-win for them.

They should be scared if Bernie wins, though. He’s a true leftist.


Why be scared if Bernie wins if he has a lesser chance of winning the presidential election?


HAHAHA! Too funny.


Trump isn't a rightwinger, he's a centrist. Biden and Sanders are far left.


Trump isn't a centrist, he's a me-first narcissist. Doesn't gave a crap about the country, it's just a stage for him to strut around expecting everyone to fall for his act.


LMFAO! Good one. He is probably one of the most moderate presidents we’ve had in a long time


Yeah he is not getting my vote besides 2016 Election was controlled by Russians also he has handled the Coronavirus Situation terribly if it was Obama the virus would've never been in our borders


I wouldn't go as far as your comment goes, but I do think at the very least Russians on the internet are influencing how we Americans interact with politics in a bad way and supports trump. Look at the posters here ! Sheesh !
The virus would have found it's way to the US regardless, but people would be much more calm about it with Obama than the monster trump. Obama would have left the normal safeguards in place and kept competent people while djt wants to gut everything for hand-picked lackeys to make him look like a "real stable genius." That's a tall order for any thinking person. He's a sick joke that's been played on the American people, and the sooner he is neutralized, the better.


"Yeah he is not getting my vote besides 2016 Election was controlled by Russians also he has handled the Coronavirus Situation terribly if it was Obama the virus would've never been in our borders"

Yet there hasn't been one shred of legitimate proof of the Russia Conspiracy and Obama would have handled the Coronavirus situation like a crybaby just like he handled everything else. Plus you called President Trump racist for the idea of a travel ban, you can't have it both ways kid.




You people are escaped lunatics.


I am neither im a Centrist/Liberatarian Tulsi should be in this race once again both Parties discriminate again minorities


Keep the victim act going. Will get you far in life.


ok you racist


I hate to admit that Joe scares me less than Bernie. Bernie actually believes the shit he says, Joe just wants to make sure he gets a steady stream of photo ops with kids, so he can still sniff that that sweet, sweet hair.


I have to say, the thought of Biden as President at this point in history scares me more than Bernie. If it wasn't for the pandemic and the economic collapse, Biden could be an amusing failure of a one-term President IF by some small chance he were to win. If Biden were to win now, it would be catastrophic and I do not think the USA would survive his Presidency intact. The man is clearly incompetent and basically an imbecile. He wasn't that bright even before his dementia set in, but now he's just pathetic. A Biden Presidency would destroy us and we would never recover.



