fn217phasma's Replies

Yeah someone like you would make an ignorant claim like that. Therefore bad writing is perfectly fine as long as it is part of the book. Gotcha! So what you are saying is because something was in the book it is exempt from criticism? Welcome to the ignore list. You are right only some films that are acclaimed do but typically it is the acclaimed films that make it. Rare cases of films mixed upon release turn around later but the batting average shows that the acclaimed films make the best of lists. If you adjust for inflation TFA is the second highest grossing Star Wars movie ever made. Which shows it had a bigger cultural impact than any of the prequels did. Next in line was Phantom menace but after that Rogue One and Last Jedi made more money than the prequels when adjusting for inflation. So no wrong on that account. Rogue One did not suck and got praised as well. So no it was not the first Star Wars film to not suck in 30 years. Again your opinion. Acknowledging a weakness does not mean something is not highly regarded. Look at the reception for the show on imdb. That is not a mediocre score it got. Can something have a flaw everyone acknowledges and still be highly received? The answer is yes. No me saying you need validation is not a fallacy. You are saying stuff which reeks of desperation for validation. You said the prequels had more cultural impact than the Disney sequels and I debunked it. That was an empty statement you made. Then you go on to say I promise you the prequels will be more fondly remembered. Funny TFA is 4 years old now and it still sits firmly above the prequels on imdb. How much longer do I have to wait? This shows you want that to happen to support your view. Not a fallacy an observation. I myself find the sequels to be far better. You are in the minority in thinking the prequels are better. I understand disliking them. However other people's view on something should not alter yours. Here is my issue though okay so the fans of these new movies get raked across the coals when they can't defend it to your liking but people like moviechatuser497 get a pass for not articulating their point well. Isn't that a bit hypocritical? No one is asking for your respect of their opinion. That is not the point, people can rate a movie whatever it is they please. You have no right to scoff at them just because they do not want to explain their reasoning or even fail to do so. They have their view and you have yours. I do not agree with the way you analyze movies one iota. What are the movies that typically make the best of lists? You guessed it acclaimed films! Even if you want to pull that card with the ratings then people on imdb also have a voice. As it stands TFA is rated better than all of the prequels. So is Rogue One. So it seems to me it is standing the test of time better than the prequels did. Acclaimed films are the movies that make the best of lists. TFA also made the top 10 of afi in 2015. In case you do not know them here is a description of how they determine a top 100 list. <blockquote>The first of the AFI 100 Years... series of cinematic milestones, AFI's 100 Years…100 Movies is a list of the 100 best American movies, as determined by the American Film Institute from a poll of more than 1,500 artists and leaders in the film industry who chose from a list of 400 nominated movies. The 100-best list was unveiled in 1998.</blockquote> The Mandalorian is not a mediocre show by any stretch. It has gotten solid critical acclaim by critics and by users. It seems to be the one thing in Disney Star Wars that fans seem to unanimously agree on. It is nestled in at an 8.9 rating currently. Mediocre? Sorry but um no not even close. Just because a film does not make as much as their last by no means makes it a failure. Was it what they hoped for no but it is far from a bomb. By this logic people lost interest after A new Hope since Empire Strikes Back did not gross as much. A billion dollars is still a profit either way. It will take a serious tank to take down Star Wars. Star Wars is like Bond it will always be a part of cinema no matter how many entries they do. Mediocre according to you. You have nothing other than opinion on that one. The mass majority thinks otherwise. Everybody swore up and down it would gross less money than Solo. Well... That did not happen. The reason I think you are desperate for validation is I think you want these things to happen. You want everyone to agree with your view that these films are worse than the prequels. Therefore you are now projecting, and hoping that the numbers drop to support your view. https://moviechat.org/tt2527338/Star-Wars-Episode-IX-The-Rise-of-Skywalker/5e01610015efdb738e7b73c0/best-to-worst-now?reply=5e0cfdbfcde4df531f1d49d2 There is the link to our conversation. He admits he rates the Disney films on a curve because of what other people rated them. A movie should be judged on it's own merits, other people's opinion should not factor in at all when coming up with your own ranking. This shows he is insecure about what others think. You are saying that if you like TFA and dislike TLJ you are being hypocritical. No some people simply prefer TFA over it. Not everyone came to the same conclusion as you did. I like all these new Disney films honesty. Some less than others but I have enjoyed them quite a bit. I personally like TLJ the most among this new Star Wars trilogy. Rogue One would probably be my pick for best film overall though in the new series. Welcome to the ignore list. You will not be missed. Lol so you have abandoned our conversation and leeched onto another. This is because you are now grasping at straws since you lost the original debate. Anyway I am done with you go on now. Not standing the test of time critically? Last time I checked which was just now TFA and Last Jedi have exceptional scores on Rottentomatoes and metacritic. So no not true. Not by a long shot is it the beginning of the end for Star Wars only a bump in the road. The Mandalorian got great reviews and is thriving. TROS while critically mixed still is making good money, therefore there will be more Star Wars to come. I think you want it to be the end but isn't. An example of a dead franchise is Terminator. The critical score was lukewarm at best and it was a box office bomb. That franchise is dead. No I do not believe you would. Well okay I can not speak for you but I can see moviechatuser497 would not. I quoted him verbatim and he tried to deny a thing he said with his own words he posted on here. That right there shows me he is incapable of having a rational debate. Oh and I know you think you are right, you seem pretty high on yourself. I do not care to present anything when people such as moviechatuser497 will blatantly deny facts. I have found just as many ignorant haters as I've found blind ignorant lovers of these new films. You act as if the naysayers of these films can't be ignorant. I was honest, I took your quote verbatim. https://moviechat.org/tt2527338/Star-Wars-Episode-IX-The-Rise-of-Skywalker/5e06afc296eb7911a6376472/The-Boycott-is-failing?reply=5e07fd78a290d4387ccf8009 Then why do I respect dteam6? He disagrees with me. Only you can know that. You openly did state though that factored into you rating it lower. Which is juvenile. It shows you care about what other people think. Yep you can, never said you couldn't. I just do not respect people who are bias like that. It Destroys credibility. Not that you had any to begin with. I have no issue with people disliking the film. dteam6 hates these new Star Wars films and I enjoy them. Difference is unlike you he is intelligent. He also does not make ignorant claims like you. About the fact that you rank movies on a curve based on what others think. You openly stated this which shows you are insecure about other people's opinion. Nope I caught you and now you are deflecting. It is okay it is your right to be wrong.