the box office numbers did NOT collapse after opening weekend and audiences apparently AREN'T being dissuaded by the bad reviews from seeing it. It has already done 500 million and will easily sail past the billion mark. I think it may even pass up Last Jedi's numbers. The silent majority (of fools?) in the general film-going public is NOT with the boycotters on this.
Having said that, my prediction is that the judgement of history on all three of these movies will not be kind. The Disney acquisition of Star Wars is mostly a sorry and depressing saga, and even more so that they appear to be getting away with it, and a sad testament to the state of modern cinema and modern cinema audiences.
He's only using the bottle because Rey is there. Also that's actually Kathleen Kennedy in cameo form. She looks at Rey and smirks giving her the signal on how much she's shitting on or rather milking the franchise and enjoying it while making Luke drink her milk jizz.
I actually am one of the few that thinks VIII is better than VII. I think TFA is one of the worst big budget movies I have ever seen and feel it fundementally changed Star Wars from being something unique that touched on some deep archetypes with a almost religious like lore into a regular soulless blockbuster more akin to Fast and Furious or Transformer movies.
VIII i feel was tasked with cleaning up the mess that TFA caused and instead of doing a clean Rian Johnson decided to clean house and just through everything Star Wars related away. And because Kathleen Kennedy had no plan for the trilogy and is grossly incompetent as a manager and executive producer (caring more about her own personal agenda than anything story related) she allowed each directly to mostly do whatever they wanted with little actual direction from her.
But because of the backlash of VIII she decided to go back with JJ for IX, who most felt did a fine job with VII (I disagree with the general audience on this) and he basically just tried going to the dumpster and pulling out everything he could out. That is why IX is just a bunch of recognizable garbage thrown together on screen.
The soulless movies is why I'm in mourning mode (or ranting). Bob Iger wanted the sequel trilogy to be a rehash of the original in its plot, characters and visually to guarantee a return on his investment rather than take a risk with anything new.
Abrams is a joke with little talent. He admitted during an interview that he had no intention of solving any of the mysteries he created during the first season of "Lost" because he thought it would be cancelled. He did the exact same thing with Force Awakens because he assumed he'd have nothing to do with the last two films.
Studios used to write the script first and wait until they had a good one. Now they hire a director first. That probably explains the reason for so many bad movies. Directors doubling as writers is a mistake since it's a different skill. Visually VIII looked great, but Johnson wasn't a writer and it showed. Abrams isn't able to solve his own mysteries. And Chris Terrio is a horrible writer so why did Abrams choose him? I thought the new characters were interesting and had potential, but the bad writing and character development ruined that.
Lucas named Kennedy unaware she would be in over her head. To be fair, when she accepted the job, she thought Lucas would still own the company and probably guide it.
They need a SW fan and creative to run the company. I wish Lucas would return to run his own company the way Steve Jobs did.
yeah, kind of the same for me. the OT i have loved basically as long as I can remember. I remember being a little boy maybe around 4 or 5 and getting the first VHS box set. Disney took that special franchise and reduced it to modern blockbuster type films. It felt like it was trying to be hunger games in space, that is not what star wars is. Even the prequels didn't leave me with a feeling of losing the magic of the universe (despite being pretty bad movies they still felt like they fit). the Disney stuff (maybe outside of Rogue One) does not seem to fit right.
Yes, JJ is an absolute joke. I realized this years ago, shortly after I saw TFA and Star Trek Into Darkness I watched his Ted talk about the mystery box and I realized the guy was a oilsnake sales man with no originality or talent. Sure he can put a competent visual medium together and is especially good at visually recreating others original works. But the guy has 0 creativity skills.
True, even Lucas was not at his best both writing and directing. People should stick to where their area of expertise is. It drives me crazy for example if I hear pastors or priests commenting on Climate Change (calling it a hoax) or Neil deGrasse Tyson discussing religion. It is like I want to say "stick to what you know so you don't look like an idiot".
Lucas named Kennedy because she was his executive assistant for years and he thought he would still be 'semi' in charge of her as the creative lead. When Lucas was cut out she demonstrated she was nothing more than a glorified assistant with no ability to actually lead (hence all the fired directors and writers). Who knows what she knew, if she was in on Iger's plan or just reacted to it horribly. either way she failed.
I think someone like Dave Filoni could have pulled it off, he seems to get Star Wars. I thought the clone wars and Rebels were good shows for cartoons anyway.
Lucas SW was intelligent, innovative and artistic. A single Queen Amidala costume cost $60,000 to make and I read they had to hire an elderly woman in Europe who could still do the hand embroidery which was a dying art. That's Lucas level detail and perfection that I appreciated. I have an art background so I tend to watch the movies from that perspective. But, I also enjoyed the writing, politics, philosophy, story, etc.
Lucas needed someone who could give him honest feedback. Perhaps too many yes men around him or he was too stubborn to listen re: the prequels. I still like them, though.
Disney's original plan was to put out a SW movie each year like a factory widget.
Filoni and Favreau are good and I enjoy The Mandalorian, but there's nothing new in it.
Abrams didn't write The Trek movie which may explain why it's good. You had him pegged as a no talent long before I did. I'm still surprised about how bad "Rise" is.
I don't know if you watched the Lucas/Kennedy interview in which Lucas has placed her in charge and she's assuring him that she will take care of the SW legacy. She lied.
I agree fully; those that bash Lucas for the PT have no respect for his artistry, integrity, level of focus on details, originality, creativity, and his ability to market those talents in a smart businessman way. So few artist can properly 'market' their art but Lucas did.
Yes, he would go overboard and definitely would need some advisers that could stair him from going adrift. He might be brilliant with just about everything but Dialogue and screenwriting; and directing actors are not his talents.
Yeah that is like creating a film on an assembly line; there is no way to make films like that and have them be Star Wars still.
That is true, Mandalorian is fine enough but it is definitely being overrated by many. Like you said, there is nothing new in it.
The first Trek movie he did I liked, but then I went back and compared it to the originals which I being watched shortly after (including the Original Series). After comparing it, JJ's Trek does not hold up. Into Darkness was a faster paced but terribly done 'redo' of Wrath of Khan that had none of the character in it.
Yeah i saw it, I got the sense that she didn't actually care that much about what Lucas thought, more like she was blowing smoke up her boss's but until he was out the door.
I'm going to be a contrarian and say I like most of Lucas' dialogue and direction. A few clunkers, but plenty of good stuff.
"May the Force be with you!", "Who's more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?", "The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner...", "I find your lack of faith disturbing.", "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...", "This is some rescue,..."
Kasdan gets total credit for "Empire" although Lucas and Brackett wrote it also.
Even the names of things are memorable: blaster, lightsaber, Evil Empire, the darkside of the Force, Jedi Knight, droid, stormtrooper, landspeeder, etc.
Plenty of great directing like the dogfight at the end of IV, Darth Maul fight, Jango vs Obiwan in space and land, Leia rescue, blue milk scene, opening credits, opening scene of "Hope", etc.
Star Trek Beyond was the studio's attempt to attract a wider audience by hiring a Fast and Furious director. A good example of bureaucrats destroying art. The situation we have now with SW.
The original Trek show and movies are my favorites. I liked the Kelvin reboot except for Beyond which was horrible and shot too dark.
Most artists are not good at business. Lucas was great at business except for his two last mistakes: selling to Disney and hiring Kennedy as president. Disney had me fooled too. They used to be innovative, but that was many decades ago.
Actually I agree with you. I acknowledge it can be somewhat clunking and inorganic sometimes; but I always interpreted it as 'that is who they spoke there'. I think the new trilogy dialogue is far worse, way too modern and meta for it to fit in 'a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away'. The dialogue should feel a little alien to us.
Yeah there are some very memorable lines: compare that to 'let the past die, kill if you have to' or 'that's not how the force works' there is just nothing so deep and impactful as some of the lines from the OT.
Yeah true, case and point Vader vs Kylo; Death Star Vs Starkiller base; Jabba the hutt vs Unkar Pitt; I will say the new trilogy to me is more clunky that anything Lucas did.
Beyond I did not like but I did not despise it as much as Into Darkness; I do not like these rehashed films that just can't hold a candle to the original.
I do not think selling to Disney was a bad deal considering what I have heard about his royalties for the OT stuff and I think he believed (or was lead to believe) he would have good significant creative control and he hired Kennedy because he like her as his executive assistant which he likely thought would be how it stayed except some honorary title changes. It is not a bad business decision to fall for lies.
And these are the people who infuriate me the most. I know several in real life who are just like that. Even some on this board wound up buying a ticket to see it after all that bitching they did.
As far as I'm concerned (and this will be a possibly unpopular opinion), those who bitch and bitch and bitch about this turd trilogy but STILL keep buying tickets to see them really have no place and no right to complain, if you ask me. If you're going to knowingly fork your dough over to a product you KNOW is disgracing Star Wars then what right do you have to complain about the bastardization of Star Wars via Disney? It's the $$$ that they care about and nothing else. They are contributing to the very problem they complain about.
That's why I haven't paid for a Disney Star Wars film since The Force Awakens. I've found (legal) ways of watching them all for free.
I say: Put your money where your mouth is or shut up. That's my stance on it, at least.
"That's why I haven't paid for a Disney Star Wars film since The Force Awakens. I've found (legal) ways of watching them all for free."
Why did you want to watch them at all? After seeing TFA in the theater, I never wanted to see another Disney Star Wars movie. I wouldn't subject myself to that level of annoyance again unless someone paid me at least $100 per movie to do it.
Honestly? Pure, sheer morbid curiosity. I've done this with a lot of movies I never paid to see: Batman vs. Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. As long as it's not contributing to the box office, I have few reservations about doing this.
Anyway, The Last Jedi was actually WORSE than I ever could have expected. I was actually in shock. It was shockingly, incredibly bad in every conceivable way, shape and form. I cannot--CANNOT--believe The Last Jedi actually has a cult following out there on the internet right now, trying to claim that movie was somehow good and that Rise of Skywalker "proves" it. Yuck...
I also hated Rogue One and can't understand why many people who hate the Disney Trilogy seem to love Rogue One. I don't get it at all. That film was chock full of uninteresting characters with zero development, zero chemistry and virtually no reason to even have a film covering them at all--certainly not a major theatrical blockbuster. But they do. So many love it and I don't understand why. The movie was boring and had me nearly nodding off at several points. Not even the windy prequels made me nod off.
Solo was...shit. Yes, it was shit. However, I did enjoy the performance of the actor playing Solo (which is something I DID NOT EXPECT to feel) and felt the guy was unfairly ragged on. He's actually rather decent in his role and even evoke Harrison's mannerisms at several points. I heard that guy had acting lessons? They really must have paid off. I even enjoyed his meeting with Chewbacca. all went downhill. Boring, uninteresting characters left and right. A COMPLETELY needless love interest character who did nothing but drag every scene she was in DOWN god--that fcking feminist droid. Do I even need to comment? I'd rather not. Also, what the hell was up with that film? It felt big budget in spots and SyFy Original Movie in others.
If you didn't see any of those films then I can tell you that yes--you're not missing much.
In my case I had a friend/co-worker of mine practically beg me to watch a copy of TLJ that he bought. I was done after TFA and had no interest in what came next and did not see TLJ for over a year after its release, I think I saw it around the time Solo came out. It about what I was expecting, an unmitigated disaster.
This friend of mine is a perfect example of the general audience and 'love it no matter what' fanboy. No matter how bad something is he still pays to see it and refuses to say it is bad. There seems to be certain type of people out there that are like afraid to not like something (especially if it is something from an IP they are a fan of). For example he will say something like 'we yeah it wasn't as good as the OT but I still enjoyed it'. I ask him why he enjoyed it and he could not really give an answer but refused to admit it was a crap film. He is the type that still goes to see the film 3 to 5 times in theaters and drags other friends with him. Drives me crazy because that means that no matter how bad the films get they will still make money.
It is not that he disagreed with me, but because he had no reason to justify liking it. every time I pointed out a flaw he would just say something like 'well it didn't bother me'. So basically he had to ignore the flaws to enjoy the film. That is not just a different opinion, that is a complete lack of ability to think critically.
So in order for someone to have an opinion on the film it needs to go through you first. That is not how it works. When you review a film you are giving your own critique of the film. Why you think it works or does not work. Someone is entitled to think what they want of a film. Whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant. The point is they have a right to think what they want about a film. I have had civilized discussions on here with people I do not agree with. The difference here is you think people need to run through you first in order to consider the film good.
If you say a film is good and you enjoyed it, I point out a flaw or many flaws and you say you like it anyway it means you don't have a good reason to enjoy the film other than, you just do. I do not respect such an opinion because you have no reason for it and therefore I have no reason to respect it.
Nope not how things work. Who says you need to debate your way through people to have an opinion? I never asked you to respect my view. The problem I had is when you said people need to rank TFA lower. You have no right to say what people should rate a film. It shows insecurity and need for validation. Quite Frankly it is pathetic.
Again you are not getting the point. I am saying that if people acknowledge BOTH TFA and TLJ bad but say TLJ is worse than I say they are not properly evaluating why TLJ was so bad. If they had then they would rank TFA lower. It is a rather simple point that one could come up with an argument for why I am wrong. But you didn’teven try. Which is pathetic. Don’t comment if you can’t keep up.
Why come up with an argument against someone who is married to an idea? You never answered that question. You can lead a horse to water you can't make it drink. You and moviechatuser497 are not going to hear anything to the contrary of your opinion on these new Star Wars films. You guys have your mind made up and will hop on any bandwagon that paints these Disney films in a negative light. I personally do not think Last Jedi or TFA is bad.
We would hear it if ever anyone presented a valid argument or even anything other than sophistry. Problem is now for 4 years that is all the arguments have been. So yes I am pretty convinced I am right when all the arguments to the contrary do not hold up even under the slightest scrutiny. Present me some new evidence and perhaps I’ll reconsider, if you have any.
No I do not believe you would. Well okay I can not speak for you but I can see moviechatuser497 would not. I quoted him verbatim and he tried to deny a thing he said with his own words he posted on here. That right there shows me he is incapable of having a rational debate. Oh and I know you think you are right, you seem pretty high on yourself. I do not care to present anything when people such as moviechatuser497 will blatantly deny facts. I have found just as many ignorant haters as I've found blind ignorant lovers of these new films. You act as if the naysayers of these films can't be ignorant.
Well I have seen cases in which people take one poorly phrased quote completely out of context to try to strawman another users position. You would have to provide the examples of when he denied his own words as the evidence. I am not going to look for it.
Again my point was not about people rating the film in a manner I disagreed with, it was a point about if you are someone that hates the new trilogy and you blame TLJ for it then you are putting the blame on the wrong film. TFA is the film that set a foundation full of cracks. I you are someone that like the new trilogy then what I was talking about does not apply to you.
There is the link to our conversation. He admits he rates the Disney films on a curve because of what other people rated them. A movie should be judged on it's own merits, other people's opinion should not factor in at all when coming up with your own ranking. This shows he is insecure about what others think.
You are saying that if you like TFA and dislike TLJ you are being hypocritical. No some people simply prefer TFA over it. Not everyone came to the same conclusion as you did. I like all these new Disney films honesty. Some less than others but I have enjoyed them quite a bit. I personally like TLJ the most among this new Star Wars trilogy. Rogue One would probably be my pick for best film overall though in the new series.
Okay, I agree with you on the point that you should not adjust your rating based on what other people are saying. But I think the point they were trying to make is they felt the disney films are bad and because so many people like them and defend them he has a tendency to judge even harsher then he would otherwise. That is a natural reaction. It is possible that my utter despising of TFA is partly because 1. I really disliked the film and judge it to be guilty of very bad plot writing and even worse character writing but also 2. People loved it in-spite of the obvious weakness of the plot and characters (which was the heart and soul of Star Wars). TFA barely gets the 'skin' (aesthetics) of Star Wars right and that is basically because it clones the visuals as much as possible. Because people loved it and defended it without good merit it added to my ire of the film. That is likely the same case for moviehatuser497, they just don't know how to articulate that.
Yes that is kind of what I am saying; TLJ is a direct result of the poor set up of TFA, if you like TFA in-spite of that fact, then yes I think hypocrite is an appropriate word. Not everything can be left up to subjectivity. There are objective merits to way. I will not respect an opinion that is completely divorced of objectivity.
" I like all these new Disney films honesty."
And that is sort of why I am irritated with you, my initial comment did not even apply to you; it was for people that DISLIKED both films. Your take did not even apply. to quote one of my favorite characters "You're out of your element, Donnie"
I understand disliking them. However other people's view on something should not alter yours. Here is my issue though okay so the fans of these new movies get raked across the coals when they can't defend it to your liking but people like moviechatuser497 get a pass for not articulating their point well. Isn't that a bit hypocritical?
No one is asking for your respect of their opinion. That is not the point, people can rate a movie whatever it is they please. You have no right to scoff at them just because they do not want to explain their reasoning or even fail to do so. They have their view and you have yours. I do not agree with the way you analyze movies one iota.
I can and will scoff and disrespect anyone and anyone's opinions I want. I don't have to respect them or you, especially when they can't hold together a single good argument for their reasons for liking a film that is utter trash.
You have no right to tell me I can't scoff at them. DO you not see the utter hypocrisy in your statement. you walking contradiction you.
" I do not agree with the way you analyze movies one iota. "
that is because you don't want to think objectively or critically. Why should I waste my time with you. You want my respect for you opinion then freaking earn it.
Even though I personally enjoy the Disney Star Wars films. Well said and completely fair. I can respect your opinion even though I enjoy the films. You at least put your money where your mouth is.
So many Sequel Trilogy fans go on a rabid defensive whenever those of us who don't like them start laying into them. I mean--it's not like I'm saying it's wrong to like these films or anything. I just don't like them and feel they betray Star Wars.
Thanks for the mature reply and for understanding my position.
Yep, the same thing that happened with Transformers 2. Everyone wants to judge for themselves the horror show while the movie makes a whole heap of money :P
I don't know that either of us will be alive to see it, but I think in 70 or 80 years, long after the tinfoil hat crowd that is boycotting for politics that aren't there have gone the way of the dodo bird, the three most recent films will be considered the strongest of the bunch. The original will be looked upon fondly, but it's a product of its time. I love it, as do most, but it will be like Lon Chaney's Phantom of the Opera or something-- a great film but one that is hopelessly dated in the eyes of most audience members. The three new films have far, far better character development, plot twists, character motivations, and emotional weight, and once the sense of "they came first" and "it was my childhood" is long gone, and the films are judged merely on merit, and movie-goers of the future are watching with unbiased eyes, Episodes 7 through 9 will be considered the best of the bunch.
The cold weather of the frozen north has put you in a mean-spirited mood...
Idiocracy is one of my favorite films. It feels like we're practically there already, especially after reading much of what one finds on this board, but assuming things don't go full idiot, I really do think the new three will stand out. Rey is so much better conceived and developed than was Luke, and Ridley is a much better actor than Hamill. Same for Darth Vader vs. Kylo Ren. Vader came first, so we all love him, but his character was barely explored in the original three films, and his conversion to the light side was so quick, and so out of nowhere that it all felt very shoehorned in. Much the same as the prequels, you could see Lucas merely needing to get from point A to point B with no care for character growth, motivation, development, etc.
Again-- I grew up with the original 3 films, so I adore them, but I'm also able to step outside of my emotional bias and see them for what they are, and compare them to the new films. You disagree, and perhaps you don't disagree merely out of primacy, i.e. "they came first," but I think history will prove me right.
Yeah, winter's finally here, it took its time this year.
I saw the first 3 at the theaters, but at 16, I lost interest with the Ewoks. Still, there's no denying the cultural impact of ANH & ESB. Luke was better conceived, in that, he was an actual character. Immature & emotional in ANH, approaching manhood in ESB with a journeyman skill set, a young warrior philosopher in ROTJ.
Rey isn't even a character, she's a female power fantasy from the mind of an 8 year old girl. Her persona is fully realized from the moment she is introduced, her arc merely an author's narcissistic journey of self discovery into how amazing she is through an endless procession of video game power-ups and victories.
None of this is high art, it's just entertainment with the primary purpose of cultural change through ham-fisted social engineering. I'd appreciate the NT more were it not a blatant reflection of the endemic clinical narcissism it reflects in the general culture, with its message to young girls especially, 'You're amazing from the moment you arrive, no effort necessary, you're a finished work under museum glass.'.
Getting pregnant and giving birth isn't a skill, it's a base biological function engineered by nature into ALL physically healthy female mammals.
Neither male nor female are amazing from birth, and children of both genders require hard work to raise from self centered little animals, into functioning adults capable of perpetuating a culture worth living-in.
Rey's a Disney Princess through and through, crudely conceived with little skill; she's not a character, she's a caricature sketched by a collective of self centered 8 year old girls.
Agree about "Idiocy" but totally disagree about Lucas' Star Wars movies. The original trilogy revolutionized moviemaking with revolutionary special effects, Dolby sound, quality filmmaking instead of B-movie level, merchandising, original concepts like showing a lived-in universe, artistically original concepts like lightsabers, stormtroopers, Death Star, landspeeders, etc., great music.
Disagree about Vader who was not just a villain, but a redeemable villain. Several technologies were literally invented for Star Wars.
Over 40 years have passed and the original trilogy doesn't look dated. The reason is because Lucas purposely had the actors do "classic acting" and used ageless clothes and hairstyles. Princess Leia was also the first "damsel in distress" who didn't need a man to save her and was strong and independent. Also, a new mythology had been created! Lucas gets picked on for bad dialogue but "May the Force be with you!" is iconic.
Prequels were revolutionary too. First digital motion picture, CGI special effects and first compete CGI movie character (Jarjar). For a second time, Lucas revolutionized moviemaking. If you like your Marvel SFX films, thank Lucas.
Lucas also helped create Pixar and Photoshop revolutionizing animated films and photography.
The sequel trilogy has nothing new in it like Mr. Lucas has said. Copies heavily (and poorly) form the original trilogy. Bad storytelling and nonsensical characters. Total garbage.
In the future, film students will study Lucas' Star Wars like I studied Citizen Kane. The Disney crap will be forgotten.
William Randolph Hearst is known as one of the largest media moguls of all time. During the 1930s, he worked with the Nazi party to help promote a positive image of the Nazi party in American media. He also received loans from Italian fascist bankers during this time. The actions of Hearst were an important element in shaping American sentiment about not getting involved in the political situation in Europe as many Americans were lead to believe that there was nothing terribly wrong going on in Europe, and even after the war started some Americans continued to support the Nazi regime based on the propaganda that they had been exposed to through Hearst media sources.
Newsflash, Keelai, there have been no movies to emerge from The Kingdom of Joolandia that present either Da' Nazis or their sympathizers in a good light in the past 80/90 years.
The best that particular fanbase has ever been able to hope for are hit-pieces that concede, win or lose, the raw power and ruthless efficiency of its leaders and adherents.
That's why Schindler's List is considered a film of inspiration and hope to both its original target audience, and to those other people that you don't like so much.
It was true genius on Spielberg's part, no doubt having a positive effect on box office as well.
The nostalgia argument doesn´t hold water. Case in point, the PT is still heavily criticized. The kids that watched Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones 20 years ago, should be praising how great it was through the bias of nostalgia but that isn´t happening.
I've read a lot of posts from people who say they watched the prequels as kids and think they're much better than people give them credit for being. Look at how many rank Episode 3 among their favorites, and notice that most of those who do were born in the '90s. I've read more than a few "Phantom Menace is actually great" posts.
If we ignore those people, and pretend that no one likes the prequels, realize also that the original Star Wars films are treated like sacred texts by fans, and the majority of those who watch the prequels were first indoctrinated into the fandom by being shown the originals, and being told "these are the great ones."
Lastly, and probably most importantly, when the originals came out they were ground-breaking, and they came in an era when going to the movies was still a big deal. Movies ran for a year or more, there was very little watching at home, etc. An entire generation of kids grew up saturated by Star Wars, and Star Wars was our childhood. Those films altered the Hollywood landscape, and are deeply rooted in pop culture. The prequels were not loved at the time, mostly because they are genuinely bad films, but also because of the aforementioned nostalgia. They never took root in our culture as did the originals.
If you look at the 9 films simply as films, and judge them solely on merit-- plot, pacing, characters, etc.-- episodes 7, 8, and 9 are the superior films. Again, the first film is its own entity, and it's excellent in many ways that the other 8 aren't, but it's also a product of its era and I think it will be seen like, say, the first Terminator film. Smaller, grittier, old-fashioned, but quite effective. Empire is very good, and has some great moments, Return of the Jedi less so, but they both lack the depth of the recent films. They're much better suited for children than are the new ones, but don't pack the punch that the recent films do.
The sample size of however many "TPM is great" posts you have read would be miniscule. That is pretty much anecdotal evidence. If nostalgia played a great part in how people rate the PT, we would see some massive discrepancy between how people rated them, then and how they are rated now. The ratings of critics and audiences alike on the PT are pretty much uniform between then and now. And using ROTS as some kind of proof as an example of nostalgia is laughable, since its almost universally considered the best of the three and its the youngest of the three (has lesser nostalgia than the previous two).
The point is that the films are *all* recent, and nearly everyone who watched the prequels also watched the originals. It's also significant that the prequels are terrible films. (Also note that Revenge of the Sith is objectively the worst of the nine Star Wars films.)
The original three films benefit from having come first. It's nostalgia and primacy that cause some people to think of them as superior to the new ones.
Those who can put aside nostalgia, and who aren't fringe activist boycotters, and judge the films merely on merit will be hard-pressed to deny that the three recent films are better.
You are trying to justify why people like the OT more than the NT. Maybe people like them because they like them. Why does it have to have some kind of negative justification like "nostalgia"? Just because you disagree with their opinion.
I'm not giving any negative justification for anything. This started as a discussion of how the attempt by a few activists to boycott the films for non-existent political content that only they perceive has unsurprisingly failed. I pointed out that I believe that years from now, when the films are judged on merit rather than nostalgia, I believe the general consensus will be that episodes 7-9 are the best-made films of the series. That's it. I'm not arguing with anyone's opinion (other than those who think episode 3 isn't the worst of the 9, of course), and just having a generally friendly discussion.
There is a huge difference between seeing a movie when they were released and seeing them years after they were released. The difference is that the original viewers are watching them in a context which will never be understood by the later viewer. For example, a 20 year old who grew up watching sci-fi with good SFX will never understand the shock that a person had seeing Star Wars for the first time in 1977.
"It's nostalgia and primacy that cause some people to think of them as superior to the new ones."
Not really. The originals were literally shocking to watch when they first came out because nothing like it existed before. I literally heard gasping throughout the theater when the Death Star flew across the screen in the opening moments of the movie and that was after I was shocked by the opening credits. Also, the sound "moving" across the theater was something that was brand new - Dolby stereo - that I never experienced . I literally became a fan within the first 5 minutes of Star Wars. I already wrote in my previous post other reasons why Star Wars is such an important film.
Movies didn't last a year in the movie theater. Star Wars was unique because people repeatedly went back to experience it. Movies were rereleased after a few years.
I like the prequels too and disagree that they are bad even though I agree that Phantom Menace has flaws. I consider the prequels and OT to be completely different types of films which is probably why I can enjoy them even though other fans don't. The OT is more of a popcorn flick. Both trilogies were different experimental films which I appreciate.
The Disney films are just a money grab. No art. No originality. No ambition. No attempt to make them good. Bringing back Palpatine is absolute laziness. Rey is tortured by Kylo and then watches him kill his father so she falls in love with him. That's stupidity!
I don't know where you've been reading but tons of people who hold the prequels in high esteem have been cropping up in recent years, and it seems like many grew up with them. Things have shifted. The memes have seemed to turn the tide as well, and now the garbage Disney trilogy is propping them up.
But they still aren't generally perceived as better than the OT. To say that this fundamentally flawed, money-grubbing, inconsistent, emotionless, horrendous DT will surpass the groundbreaking masterpiece that is the OT in public perception... is one of the dumbest things I've heard in awhile.
Most likely what will happen is that people will hold 1-6 as the true classic canonical films, as they were created by Lucas. And perceive everything that came after as simply commercial trash. Just like the Terminator series - no one is going to remember or care about anything but Cameron's 1 and 2 in fifty years.
I don't get it, your username is movie buff yet you claim history will remember the sequels to be the better films than the originals. Let me just say I saw the force awakens only and that was more than enough for me to realize how much of a worse movie it is compared to original trilogy. Let's begin with pacing, the tempo of the movie is all over the place, constantly moving fast and not giving the audience the time to breathe or even explore the characters. It is pathetic that an old Harrison Ford who doesn't even care to be in the movie gives the best acting performance out of all the actors in the movie and he has the least screen time. It is pathetic that the plot is basically a rehash of the new hope and a blatant remake with no originality. It is worse that while in the new hope the death star was presented as an ominous threat with real build up due to the tempo in this one it is treated as a side note and blowing up a solar system holds no gravitas at all, again due to no build up and poor tempo. I could go on but I will not.
Actually, when adjusting for inflation, only TFA beat out the previous movies with the exception of ANH. TLJ made less money than most of the others after adjustments.
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and that adjustment is only for inflation. Have to keep in mind the U.S. population was under 200 million when A New Hope came out, so a much larger percentage of the U.S. population had to see it to match modern movies *even after adjusting for inflation*
So for overall popularity, nothing comes close to the original trilogy. Nor can any of the new movies match the original trilogy in cultural significance. Luke, Leia, Han, Yoda, and Darth Vader were iconic characters that resonated in pop culture for decades. This new crop will be forgotten soon after Rise of Skywalker leaves theaters.