eucalyptusandus's Replies

yes to join together illegitmi what ever that is. or to join together illegitmi truly. because words in latin aren't in any order you can jumble them. word order gives english meaning where as Latin has meaning from variations of the word. which i don't really know very well. etiam, gratias agimus tibi amo Latin Cool :D what movie is this? "whereas a name me is" "as light as a feather down from the skies" PULCHER, SPECIOSUS, FORMOSUS, VUSLUS, BELLUS, AMOENUS... all of the beautifuls for you Lord so light like a feather down from the skies. Cum lux. i don't know! but i know what it means! when you said quod nomen mihi est yes you say about Lords.. whereas a name me is... ita Domine if you say affirmations in another language its harder for other people to intercept your programming no lol i just like it why thank you Cruz. hahaha you have to use your imagination Yes... sicut koalas, esse dolor et dixit dominus sit prandium si tu in animo habēre is adfirmadio cum tu dicêre is adfirmadio, is adrimadio debére hominem. it doesn't come through potentialis is potential and the other three i think semiterna is like always , goloriã might be like an amount of glory depending on how you say it and adficêra might be something to do with regards of a place. Really 'ego immortali goloriā adficêra. Ego immortali gloriae commendare.' means I am immortal. I am immortal. in two different prepositions chill... :D i'm not even smoking cigarettes now i am shifting into my immortal form every time i want to smoke a cigarette i do that affirmation LOL