MovieChat Forums > zmeyka > Replies
zmeyka's Replies
I cried my money away..!
I wish they would have made a celebration for it..!
A pity they're not incorporated into the movie..!
Same as all the other beauties.. in the deleted scenes Blue Ray, you see more sexy well busted chicks getting boinked.. yet we never hear from them again.. :)
Agreed, love this movie..!
It's a Roger Corman movie.. the original movie supposedly had LESS nudity and no raping.. unsatisfyed with the result. Roger Corman FIRED the lady director Barbara Peters, and hired a MALE director to re shoot graphic nudity scenes..!
Yes.. there's also the movie "CREATURE 2011", an alligator like humanoid monster goes out in search of a mate, nice nudity at begining.. and a sexy asian chick who well.. gets it...!
Not only kills her.. the monster basically Rips the baby out in one shot with placenta and all.. that must have $%# hurt..!
Not a perve.. just curious. as me.. love to see movies like this.. better than the other garbage they dish out..!
Agreed, they should have been kept and giving the natural way.. then you know these womens lives are basically for breeding stock.. :)
Fury was basically an American hero type movie. where 5 guys kill 200+ germans.. so unrealistic.
Does look tasty, but I think it's a slice of swiss cheese, not butter you might be thinkiing, nevertheless. it looks delicious.. :)
There is an extra scene in the trailer not shown in the movie.. where the biker is seen falling towards the bridge edge.
No remakes, and definately NOT with them.. remakes tend to trash the movie and end up terrible.. and it would become soo Americanised..!
Exactly.. But am sure they would make him the captain of the boat chasing the U-boat.. :P
U-571 was garbage, your typicall American hero crap.. !
I was more curious to that ugly hairy looking meat they were eating...! What the heck was it..!?!?
I hope not, they'll make it too americanish and make them look like heroes..!
I think they wanted it so dark , so we couldn't see the crap we were watching..!
Wow.. you were actually able to SEE all that.. I could hardly see anything since the movie was so dark, you'd think the producers while reviewing the movie would notice how dark the whole movie was..! :P