MovieChat Forums > zmeyka > Replies
zmeyka's Replies
Tell me about it.. his movie "Not of this Earth" with Tracy Lords, had clips of Humanoids... even Peggy ( Lynn Theel) makes an appearance in a scene from Humanoids.. and has NO role at all in the movie..!
More nudity than I expected.
I'm just a sucker for terrible and bad movies.. specially if the trailer shows "boobies" in the movie.. so it'll grab my interrest to see them..!
They used it in "Jaw's" and it worked...! Unfortunately, in this movie.. different story.
Answering your phone during an interview, shows how much the director was interested in making it..!
Just enough to give us a mini boner.,!
yeah... it was like.. yeah ok.. come on ...!
"Signs" was a shit movie...!
OOhh, nice.. I'll have to recheck that.. ! Thanks..! :)
Good point...!
Exactly, it got soo ridiculous, I stopped at episode 6, it 's like.. yeah, who the $%# put you in charge.. or.. Ok, we'll listen to the stupid decisions that the one in charge tells us .. it's like. .why not everyone for themselves..
If I were stuck there, I'd get out. leave the rest behind.. screw that..!
I stopped watching after episode 6, got too stupid and boring..!
No shit, I'm talking when the two submarines are in the Liporus and are ready to go to sea, the announcer says BOTH are cleared to go, and BOTH go at the same time to the bow doors..!
I love that.. nice pair of Barbeaus...! :P
yeah... exactly. all people seem to disappear..! :P
I tend to think that the movie "Event Horizon" is basically what THIS movie is... except for the giant worm scene of course...
They both show what our fears are, and die because of it.. ! :)
After seeing that scene, I almost felt like, ok, this got too stupid the movie or the teenagers are getting stupider and stupider..! SHE deserves to die right after.
I fucken hate those "ooh , sentimental" people, that completely made me say.. "what the fuck, join them then..!".
True, my err... :) I had seen it once, so I basically didn't pay attention much... but you're right. they were faeries... :)
Yeah, ok.. what the fuck did you smoke, that fucken guy had the worse british accent, .. "there's something in the wuh... in the fucken wuhh..." , and he got so fucken annoying, we were all hoping he'd die painfully and horribly..!