cruisin109's Replies

Too bad Daniel ruined it all. Johnny: All he wanted was Ali's love. - Daniel butted in and destroyed their relationship. Kreese: All he wanted was for his students to survive in this rough world.- Daniel was responsible for ruining cobra kai for 30 years. Silver: All he wanted to do was to turn wimps into winners. - All Daniel wanted to was scarf Mac and Cheese by the ton. Barnes: All he wanted to was be a business partner.- Daniel messed up Barnes's financial future. Daniel would totally apply. He would be tired with the useless YMCA karate he learned in Jersey and would be all excited at the prospect of becoming a foot ninja. What if Shredder mutated Daniel into a Walrus? Would anyone notice a difference? I could definitely imagine Daniel being denied a lifeboat on titanic even it there was plenty of room due to the fact that his gargantuan ass and cocaine fueled rants would be too much of an imposition to the other 12 people in the boat trying to relax. Daniel would then dress up as a women to try to sneak into another lifeboat but the ships officers would punch him and throw his caboose back into the ship! After the sinking Daniel would swim over to collapsible B (the upside-down lifeboat that everyone was balancing on) and yell “Bonsai!” knocking everyone into the water. Daniel would then lament “why am I so stupid?!” Pray tell how exactly was GJ going to murder Charlie? And why wouldn’t he do Charlie in before they got to the factory? Also if you had lived in that household would you have fueled Charlie’s dreams about finding a golden ticket to a better life or would you have told Charlie to just accept his lot and suck down some underwear soup? Yes. When Charlie opens the candy on his birthday GJ actually expects there to be a golden ticket inside “I want to see that GOOOOLD!”. He just didn’t understand basic math. Charlie and Grandpa Joe could’ve shot one Oompa Loompa right away to show they were serious and the rest of them would’ve been too afraid to do anything. Also why would the Oompa Loompas risk Wonka’s life trying to subdue Charlie and GJ? Best course of action would be to cooperate and just get the whole ordeal over with. Once the tour was over Charlie and GJ would hopefully release Wonka and go home. Charlie and his Grandpa Joe could have snuck into the factory and forced Wonka to give them a tour at gunpoint. Do you believe that Grandpa Joe really had it in him to murder Charlie in cold blood? GJ could have just strangled Charlie with his birthday scarf and claimed the ticket as his own if that was his intention. I figured Grandpa Joe actually helped out the family more than Charlie’s mom. Think about it…… Charlies mom kept dashing Charlie’s dreams of winning a golden ticket and told him to be content with underwear soup whereas GJ was constantly encouraging Charlie to buy Wonka Bars which were ultimately the instrument of the family’s salvation. Charlie did scarf down that chocolate bar didn’t he? So he lied to his teacher, stole money (by not making an attempt to find the rightful owner of the silver coin) was gluttonous by inhaling that candy bar was wasteful by throwing away a perfectly good chocolate bar and then stole AGAIN by swiping the fizzy lifting drinks. I guess Charlie was the most rotten child of them all…. would have served him right had he been chopped to ribbons by the fan. But when he finds the ticket he drops the chocolate like it’s nothing. Surely he didn’t care about the chocolate? Also if he was going to lie to his teacher why not just lie about the number of bars he opened? Daniel: “We’re a family!” Kreese: Family? You call this (crapshack) here and that (drunken passed out Miyagi) down there family??!! Was there not a lunch provided during the tour? They were waiting at the gate at 10am so I’m sure a mid day meal would have been expected. Maybe Wonka felt the group could just help themselves in the candy room if they were hungry? My point is Wonka don’t take kindly to people who break the rules. Charlie was gonna break the rule of law by buying tobacco. Either Charlie buys it or his mother. Think it through WA…. do you think Charlie is gonna get his pay for Mr Jopek, give it to his mother and expect her to pick up the tobacco on the way home from pulling a triple shift at the laundry shack while hauling a heavy pot of underwear water to make soup? Think logically and stop being obtuse. How was GJ supposed to get the tobacco if Charliendodnt buy it? Charlie was intending to illegally purchase the tabacco. Otherwise how was it gonna get to Grandpa Joe? It was bad form to fake your death WA. Haven’t you read the story of the boy who cried wolf? What happens when you’re trapped down devils cauldron for real? Who would save you? Probably was the extended version of the scene. They likely showed a longer version on TV so they could sell more commercials. I seriously found $40 in cash last night… completely serious. I just snatched it up two $20 bills. I sort of feel like a criminal now and am going to take reasonable steps to find the true owner of the money. No spending spree in a candy store for me.