IRONFIST2020's Replies

it was mostly empty. just shows you how popular this movie is NOT agree. i love TIH. why do you think this movie came out now before endgame? because they gonna make her the one who defeat thanos. its so frikin obvious its a principal for me not to see this movie after brie larson hatred for white males so whats your point? why so much butthurt? i enjoyed it. yes its simple effects but its cool on action movies. you got a problem with that? clearly you do with all your butthurt. most people who saw it said so. im not going to pay money to see this movie. its a principal. brie larson is promoting hate against white males. lol your comment made me laugh but you know it will happen. they stated captain marvel will be a marry sue feminist charecter. thats why they made this movie before endgame and not after. wow ur mad ha? its only a movie and i had great time. you jealous? yes i can see that a feminist movie must be joking about man i know. they are idiots. whats the problem with loving both? and stupid youtubers making profit on every fart in the internet. god i hate them i allwayes thought that femals care more about real life then man who attracted to more fictional stuff. most woman dont care about captain marvel or feminism. the political agenda here clearly supress the profit this movie may or may no make. we live in an SJW times and white man all over the world are attacked and blamed daily. i dident saw it. and im not going to. im saying what other people said about this movie if brie larson dident spreaded hate against white males everywhere then people wouldent be so pissed at her how do you think they do? they fuck the right man in positions of power. like all woman does whats salty about saying my opinion? thing about brie larson. she has exreamly cold vibe. like her face is frozen or something. almost like shes a robot or something ghostbusters was at least so bad its watchable. you can laugh about how stupid this movie was. this one is stright up boring. there is no appeal for boring movies.