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MovieMax's Replies
Nope, we stopped watching "The Force Awakens" because it was so stupid. I love strong female characters, but come on! The first time Rey ever uses the force, she's a pro? The first time she ever touches a lightsaber she's an expert fencer? She can fly the Falcon like an ace even though she's never even touched it before, and and fix it too? Her character is simply absurd. Sadly SW took a turn for the worse with Episode VI, Return of the Jedi, and has never looked back, with each chapter getting progressively worse.
With the exception of Rogue One, which still had its problems (see HISHE), we haven't wasted any more time on SW. We didn't finish Episode VII, and we won't watch episodes VIII or IX. last best SW movie I saw was "The Empire Strikes Back"..sad, but true.
Yes I did.
OK then, tell me then where season 1 of Legion was technologically, culturally, and thematically inconsistent? What character actions were not consistent with the nature of the characters in season one?
Well? And I'm talking about the actual "real world" they live in, not mental projections or psychedelic visions.
The irony is BB was one of the few that actually tied up the loose ends and made an ending that was at least believable and consistent with the characters. Personally, I believe this all started with LOST. Abrams promised to "explain everything" at the end then explained nothing. His lame excuse that the "show was never about the island it was about the people" is complete BS, as the "people" in LOST would have NEVER had meaning without the island.
Like I said, season 1 of Legion was very good, and this season was decent until the last 2-3 episodes. The climax of seeing Farouk, the Shadow King, casually sitting in judgement of David- under the pretense that David is a "monster"- is akin to Gustavo Fring of BB sit in judgement of DEA agent Hank Schrader, it doesn't make any sense at all.
Also, how is it that David is suddenly a BIGGER threat than the villain, a man who can just kill everyone else in the room with a thought, and who is now even MORE POWERFUL and an EVEN BIGGER threat since he got his body back? Yet, he's just sitting casually across the table from the Summerland and Div 3 folks as if they're all old friends?
It just doesn't make any sense at all.
If true, then he's made a very poor decision; the audience this particular series attracts expects logical consistency, in characters, timeline, and plot. The first season had it, this season does not. Frankly, they can call it "distorted frame" all they want; that's just a label to make poor thinking, writing, and directing, look like it has a purpose. The surreal elements- like the weird, green, pointing hand balloons all around Div 3 HQ- are entertaining, but when you blur the lines so finely that you eliminate any sense of what is real and what is not, then it just becomes a distorted, silly mess that leaves the watcher annoyed and bored. I've had it with directors employing stupid gimmicks to get around corners they've painted themselves in to, and then acting like their "sleight of hand" is intentional verses the "get out of jail free" card it really is. If this is how Hawley expects to tell this "story" then FX should find a new director fast.