Yeah...BIG problems with season 2 of Legion
First off, I'm a big fan of the show, BUT...this season really had some SERIOUS issues. Where to start?
1. Cultural Indexing/Timeline Continuity problems: the vehicles, clothing, architecture and music are indicative of the 1960-1970s, yet, the computer technology in season 2 doesn't correspond to the same period. When Clark Debussy is interrogating Lenny Busker in Division 3 HQ, he's using what looks like a very advanced tablet computer. Then, in the very same interrogation, Lenny states her dad used to neglect her when she was a little girl, choosing to watch pron on the internet instead. They didn't have the internet in the 1950s, so WHEN did that happen???
2. Character actions that make absolutely no sense: When Sidney finds the drain hole in the desert, and a rope with a hooked rabbit flies out of it, she just goes calmly over and unhooks the rabbit, holding the open hook in her hand as if oblivious to the threat it poses. Most sane, rational people- as her character is portrayed to be- would immediately recognize that the rabbit was BAIT to LURE her to rescue it, not to mention that a sink drain hole in the MIDDLE OF A @#$% DESERT- complete with a giant, pink, rubber stopper and chain- is NOT NORMAL, and run away from it or at least seek David's assistance before going anywhere near it to begin with. Yet she is hooked as if she never even recognizes what is CLEARLY a threat. Sidney isn't a fool, she's NOT stupid; such an action is NOT CONSISTENT with her character.
3. Absurd Plot Holes: A perfectly arched mouse hole in the wall of a MAXIMUM SECURITY SOLITARY CONFINEMENT CELL?!? Come on writers, how STUPID do you think your viewers are? Keeping the Shadow King alive "for trial"??? threaten to terminate David out of fear, yet- instead of just KILLING the Shadow King when he's vulnerable, the MOST DANGEROUS mutant alive, and a man who you clearly know has killed hundreds if not thousands of people already- you keep him alive for a meaningless "trail"??? Finally, he just FREELY walks into the room where David is imprisoned in a force field (final episode, season 2) and casually sits at a table- as if he is a witness against David- while the rest of the staff do NOTHING??? Have they decided to just "pardon" Farouk? HUH?!?!?!? That ending makes NO SENSE AT ALL!
Conclusion: this season went WAY OFF the rails in the last two episodes. Get better writers, or you'll lose your fan base come season three. Your viewers deserve better than cheap, stupid "JJ Abrams" plot devices that undermine an otherwise edgy, thoughtful and intelligent story.