MovieChat Forums > Cuthbert > Replies
Cuthbert's Replies
“He was a terrible debater, and had to say things like Ryan was full of malarky ... he had no coherent points and no facts at his disposal.”
Substitute full of malarkey with libtard, retard or fuktard and you’ve just described quite nearly all of the Trump supporters posting on his board. 😪
It’s a terrifying thought that Bernie will be railroaded again out of the nomination because it’s alk too likely. I don’t think he’d run third party unless he really thought he could win. I don’t think he can win without fair coverage from the msm, which he is unlikely to get. Too many people still get their opinions from TV and newspapers.
I hope I’m wrong.
I think it's real but they presented it in a ridiculous way to make it look looney. I think the governments are behind it.