hurricane's Replies

I think the comedic element of Deadpool is more the point than his actual powers. In terms of physical hotness, I'd go with Amy Pond. Especially in the short skirt and tights they'd put her in. As a character, she was one of my least favourite companions though. I meant like the actor, as opposed to the character. If a weak actor portrayed Phil Connors, watching him in every scene would drag. The main characters in films like this carry the film. Agreed. Movies like this need a decent actor in the main role. Same with Groundhog Day. Bill Murray was in almost every shot of the film. So the audience needs to like him. In the hands of a less talented or charismatic actor, the film just wouldn't work. In Happy Death Day, though the character of Tree wasn't likable at first, Rothe had the charisma to still make the movie worth watching. You cared about her and her journey. Also, she could switch in and out of the comedy when the movie required. Enjoyable movie. Up and down. I enjoyed everything up to and including series 5. (Not everything, there was the odd bad episode. But that's when I still enjoying the series on a continual basis.) Series 6 was when Moffat went OTT with plot arcs, and just made the show insufferable. Matt Smith was good, but the scripts let him down for the rest of his run. Thought that was a shame. When Peter Capaldi came back, I started enjoying it a bit more. At first he was gruff, and awkward around humans. But that played well with Clara. (Who I did like.) It was better than your flirty flirt dynamic a lot of the New Who Doctors have had with the companions. And he eventually mellowed, and become more likable. I don't know if that was intentional, but it felt like a decent character arc. I was disappointed when he left. Wasn't keen on Bill that much, but thought Nardole was cool, despite not being much of a Matt Lucas fan. Did think that whole return of John Simm was wasted. Firstly, because they announced he was coming back, so the shock reveal was lost. And secondly, because he didn't really add anything to the second episode of the two-parter. He was just, kind of, there. I'd still say Series 1-5 were the best ones. I'm going to post an unpopular opinion, but I'm not sold on this yet. Nothing to do with the character being female. More that I just felt something was off. I felt the writing/character choice felt, I don't know, not suited to Jodie. Some of the big moments, like her confronting of the villain or when she took a long jump in order to capture him felt off, to me. I still felt like I was watching an actress playing the Doctor, rather than the actual Doctor. Also, I didn't take to any of the new characters either. Bradley Walsh seemed out of place. I didn't care about the guy overcoming his condition to ride his bike. Didn't even feel that moved when his aunt died. Something just missing, for me. However, and perhaps most importantly, when Jodie came out in her own costume, for some reason that felt more like a click moment. Like, oh there's The Doctor. So hopefully, I'll get more used to her. Also, that young policewoman character seemed alright. Wanting more of a challenge, seeking adventures. Seemed decent companion material. It's always hard to review a Doctor's first episode. Partly because you're still getting used to the new character, and partly because the plots are always a bit duff. Doctor stumbles around confused for a while, accidentally witnesses and alien invasion, gets used to himself/herself, defeats the aliens, puts on new suit. They're introductory episodes, rather than plot-driven ones. Maybe it'll take a few episodes to get used to, and one day I'll look back and enjoy this episode when I'm more used to the characters. Hope so. Just watched You're Fired. She still cone across as a bit gobby. What if the dead girl in the park was Agnes? Cool. I didn't get the hate for this movie. Granted it wasn't Shakespeare, but it wasn't really meant to be. If you like cheesy slasher horror movies, I don't see why you'd hate this. I think it got a bit of flack for having Paris Hilton in it, but being that all she did was play an airhead who runds round in a state of undress most of the film, there wasn't really anything that could go wrong. That's pretty much her being herself. Captain Planet. He's my hero. Was that the Toxic Avenger cartoon? What? Who laughs at Halloween? It's still considered an iconic movie, isn't it? Nudity. An 80s slasher tradition. The correct answer is Hachi; A Dog's Tale. He wouldn't. That's not why he asked. He was trying to give Marty a question that he'd have known the answer to immediately. If you asked a normal person who the current president/prime minister of the country they reside in is, they'll be able to tell you off the top of their head. If Marty paused, or even had the slightest second to think of an answer, Doc would've known he was lying about being from the future. The actual answer itself didn't matter. Just Marty's ability to answer instantly. The answer is, of course, A bit late, but yes. I did find this.