MovieChat Forums > Kaiser100 > Replies
Kaiser100's Replies
You either get the show or you don't. Shows like this with absurd premises where everything is over-the top are my kind of show.
I called it as soon as they start showing the random images of the guy. "He's the older version of the other dude." But I thought they might actually do something clever like the old man would 'save' her through some sort of supernatural intervention after the serial killer vibe they were trying to wrongfoot us with regarding the younger version of him.
I wish they had stuck with that version, because it could hardly have been more ridiculous or nihilistic what we got, a dance scene and then a naked old man committing suide in his car. Thanks for that, Charlie Kaufman. My life is so much more enriched for having seen that :/
I don't think there was a last chance. The film left us hanging, deliberately. Jill obviously has her own issues that suggest she is incompatible with Luke and their relationship may not last. What is the future for Luke and Kate? We don't know. So frustrating, grrr...
This would have been the logical ending. I felt that Luke and Kate are obviously in love with each other, but can't bring themselves to express it. When Kate starts crying when Luke leaves after their argument, and when he is shown driving with a blank stare on his face, it is very telling. So is the fact that Jill kissed Chris, a similarly intellectual type, even though nothing came of it.
I'm torn between liking the ambiguity of the ending and wanting a resolution. It felt like the director was subverting our expectations just for the hell of it, which I both admired and was mildly annoyed by. Come on, give us a resolution! Or not...
I guess because I've been in corresponding situations, three times actually, where I just couldn't express my feelings to the other person who obviously liked me and the moments were lost, and I've been alone for the long years since...I am prejudiced toward wanting Luke and Kate to *just f*cking admit it already*. People who are not in love don't fight the way they did at the end.
Oh well. The director was making a point that such is life, and our lives can turn on the smallest of things. What if Luke (my name as well) had not cut his hand and they had gone out to dinner that night? We all know what probably would have happened. There would be no coming back from that. And IMO, probably for the better. My life has turned on similarly small things, so there you go. We all bring to the table our own lives when it comes to intensely personal movies like this :)
It would have been epic if it wasn't so ridiculous. Leatherface was a 70-year-old out fat dude who had been shot twice, stabbed, chainsawed *in the face*, fell into a pool of water and bled out. How the hell did he not drown or die of blood loss? How the hell did he get out of the water without them noticing? He's not Jason or Michael Myers.
And why did they stay until the next freakin' morning? It was just too much.
Yeah pretty much. The legal system is always hilariously incompetent in these shows. Rule of Drama, I guess. But it sure as hell ain't Gritty Realism.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a myth. It never happened. But it is part of British mythology. Dev Patel is British. Therefore, it is part of his mythology.
Myths change. This one probably went through many variations before it was codified in a text 700 years ago. Gawain himself changes in character throughout the Arthurian mythos. Who is he?
Britain is a multi-ethnic state now. Its myths should reflect that. What is 'realism' in this context?
And you raise an interesting point - why is it that we accept dragons, unicorns and magic in *fantasy* (i.e. not the real world) and yet specifically note skin colour and gender when fantasy and mythology are involved? Why do we think those things make for more 'realism' vs. literally anything else that happens in a fictional world? Maybe it's our problem and not the portrayal's.
I, too, want 2 hrs of my life back. F*cking depressing, nihilistic, boring as hell movie with nothing insightful to say.
I am here, two years and a pandemic you got through it okay...
Yes, I guessed the ending too after that shot. But I hoped they wouldn't go that route. It seemed...too simplistic! And there they went.
I was much more interested in the weird happenings at his parents' house. I thought that was going somewhere. Would have been nice if it did. I also thought that he was a serial killer when he was driving out to the school, and especially after seeing all the other discarded milkshakes. They dropped this as a hint to throw us off, but what I thought (hoped) might happen was that he would take her to the school to kill her, but the janitor would turn out to be some sort of angelic being who would rescue her.
That would have been more interesting and rather more uplifting than the ending we got where an old naked guy commits suicide in his truck. WTF kind of ending is that, after making us suffer through a whole movie of bizarre and convoluted plot developments? I am sick of filmmakers who think that "Everything sucks" is some sort of brilliant revelation about the present human condition. Like, f*ck you for making me watch two hours of that pretentious crap.
It's woke to a certain crowd because girls scare them but they are so desperately lonely.
It was not woke at all, it was your standard Last Girl horror movie.
You're mad because you have no way to counter that point. Try Owned2022.
What was I supposed to do? You told me to STFU. Get a grip, typical delicate flower "I'm anti-PC but only on my terms" right-winger.
I liked that. Nice change. Stupid decisions still abounded, but no, they were not chesty Last Girls.
Wooo so edgy and 2007.
Nah. You have nothing to say. Reported.
They look fine to me. This forum is actually the only place I've ever heard his eyes mentioned, so I think 'most' people really did not notice anything. Lol
No, it's about repeating the same shit over and over with nothing new to add. Typical right-winger.
No, because the review is b.s. What's sad is your life, spent trolling these fora with the same friggin line every time. SAD! How did it feel when Trump lost, and now that he is being investigated for many, many, many crimes?
Which is not the movie.