KatrinaW's Replies

Neither. Seriously? The playwright, Tony Kushner, was American. New York City is a huge city, and the AIDs crisis was huge there. No, she really doesn't. They're actually extremely different (as someone from New Jersey can attest). I honestly think she's a bit overrated. She can be quite good in her acting 'wheelhouse', but has very, very limited range. Nasty? I beg to differ! This post was deleted because it's Leo's lamp, and you can't have it. Sorry, but this movie was awesome. It's not supposed to be, or even trying to be, a hilarious comedy. It's a family dramedy, with great acting, and invokes a ton of nostalgia. Not sure what you were expecting. Maybe Adam Sandler made some movies you'd enjoy. Wow, you must be fun at parties. Honestly, he didn't leave his family, he got divorced and was still in his kids lives a lot. He seemed to be a great father to them. What he wasn't, though, is a good partner. Isabel seemed to bear the majority of the load in helping with his children (I know, I know, he worked to support them all, blah blah. Isabel had a job, too), and had to bear the brunt of Jackie's disrespect and disdain. How she didn't unload on Luke about Jackie's treatment of her, is beyond me. Right? I'm watching yet again (honestly, I can't get enough of that beautiful house and the fall foliage & Christmas settings), and Jackie is the absolute worst! So self-righteous, "my job as a mom is twice as hard as Isabel's job", and I don't get paid, blah, blah. Cry me a river in your huge, beautiful old house, while you take your entitled children horseback riding, out of a stable whose lessons your ex is probably still paying for. Isabel wasn't even the reason for Luke and Jackie's split, either. Why the hell would Jackie think it's okay to disrespect Isabel, an adult who is in their child's lives, in front of those children, and actively encourage their disrespect of Isabel? I get the feeling she was like that before the cancer diagnosis, so I can't bring myself to feel that badly for her. And the way she babied those kids. You'd think they were a lot younger than they actually were, based on the way Jackie treated them. Ugh, Thad was the absolute worst! "Why is she yelling?" "Why is she crying?" "Don't look at me!" He would always speak 'about' someone, never 'to' them, as if they weren't even in the room. I get that yell/speaking at a deaf person is rude, but I'm guessing Meredith didn't realize that. Well, we're glad you're not living in our country, either. Not at all. I think she's just the type of person who becomes awkward and talks a lot when they are nervous. Then, the family automatically seemed to dislike her when she arrived, which made it worse. I loved both her final wedding dress, and the opera dress. They were quirky and unique, and definitely 'her'. The opera dress had way too many bows on it, though. I know it was the 80s, and bows were popular, but it was a bit much. I hated that Jake wanted Betsy to change her way of dressing for his parents, though. I'm really confused as to why you're confused about this. It's an 'alternate reality' of the actual Tate murders. She was good, but not great. She was a bit affected and full of herself (talking about her 'craft' like she was Phillip Seymour Hoffman), which I think is what Tarantino was going for. When Lena Dunham showed up as Gypsy, she totally took me out of the movie. Although I watched 'Girls', I'm not a fan of hers, and she seemed like she was play-acting in this movie. I liked all the cameos at the Playboy Mansion scene, for sure. I always enjoy Kurt Russell and Timothy Olyphant. And Mad Men. And When Harry Met Sally. I guess the mosaic wall is kind of a famous filming location. I mean, you're definitely entitled to your opinion, but I honestly don't think she has much range as an actress. She still seems to depend on her 'tics' (mumbly emoting, touching her hair, etc.), although I will say she seems to be doing less of that. She always seems to act with a slight sneer on, as if she just can't be bothered. I have liked her in the last few things I've seen her in, but again, she always seems to play the same type of character.