beancrisp's Posts

A question for New Yorkers Did the Piautes really worship Satan.? Why didn't women have the right to self defense in those times in Australia? Why is he called a vigilante when all the thugs he kills are acts of self defense? Is it true that the Labour party in the UK thinks it should be legal for Muslims to rape children? Why did the thugs burn the house and... Why is the media calling Jaia Cruz a woman when he is obviously a... Did he really drink piss? Did he really eat shit? Did he really worship Satan? Dear Sooners, FACT: I am me and everybody else is everybody else and that automatically makes me right. The cop who attacked George Henderson an Alzheimer's patient should be arrested. I will be posting my last FACT between 11:55 and 12:00 tonight. Prison guards beat Robert Brooks to death in cold blood just for kicks. Bunch of white devils. Bunch of red savages. I challenge anyone to give me a legal reason why these cops should not be charged with home invasion and murder. FACT: Germany does not recognize freedom of speech.