MovieChat Forums > Trev > Replies

Trev's Replies

Hmm.. In order for Sue to survive, she has to keep switching back to Elizabeth every 7 days. So that would mean that baby wouldn't be getting fed properly for those 7 days while Sue is lying there. Or maybe I'm wrong.. Cause Sue obviously was being fed enough. The substance provides "food" for both matrix and themself. In conclusion... 🤷‍♂️ Qualley is an 8.8/10 But the kid never really was his opponent. Is Fletcher just a psychopath? Butterface? Yup I would too if I was him to be fair You got all the money in the world The hot women want some of that $ You want the hot women Easy transaction He cant survive without Ryan Dunn This video really sums it up entirely for me Let's see if she attends Trump's inauguration OP sounds like one of the nutjobs in the movie Walsh is making fun of Yeah, OP needs to send a link Completely agree. I agree with a LOT of Matt Walsh's opinions but it's very difficult to take a man seriously that believe in a magic man in the sky Why does wikipedia say shes been in a lesbian relationship since 2018, yet shes just coming out of the closet now in 2024 I'm very careful with spoilers.. but.. if you're browsing the Moviechat board without having already seen the movie... Bad idea. There are spoilers everywhere. Judging by you starting off your sentence with "Why the hell" I'll go ahead and assume you're insulting me and calling me an idiot for posting what you call a "spoiler"... Let me guess. You haven't even seen the movie, you saw the title and automatically assume I'm giving away the entire movie? This happened at the very beginning of the movie. It is most definitely not a spoiler. Can't tell if this is sarcasm Dang, this gonna be a close race About half way through Rogan mentioned he is going to have kamala harris on Ooof Yeah I thought it was weird writing how they made the other guy out to be this hero nice guy that saves them, only to be rejected anyway for being too ugly for her. Main character is super shallow why would white guys get upset at bad white guys survivor chick?