MovieChat Forums > SammyJackson > Replies
SammyJackson's Replies
So what are you doing here then? This is post for the boycotters as I made clear.
This is about the narrative of what sells. Heres another example:
The questions are being asked, and conclusions made. Regards of indepth analysis. Headlines are all that matter.
Still missing the point.
Sorry, google. Im not wasting time on what is very clearly trolling. Where do you think the white male misogyny accusations came from? the sky?
And yes, both those movies have flaws and I can see people not liking them for certain reasons that arnt related to bigotry.
FYI misogynists are usually married, and bigotry isnt just a white man thing.
Adjusting for inflation isnt the point. There are also double the amount of people on the palnet there is today from when the first star wars movie was made.
The point isnt that women are better in movies, or make more money, the point is the perception of what makes money. At some point a remake, reboot or reimagining made a lot of money, and so that became the trend. Ironman made a lot of money, and comic book movies became a trend. Batman movies made a lot of money and so superman needed batman to make up the difference, look what happened there. A rushed movie that was trying too hard to compete with marvels movies.
Now, the idea that Im seeing is that the SJW stuff in these star wars movies is the reason they are bad. At least thats the reason given instead of the usual sexist racist nonsense. So we remove that and we are left with the SJW stuff. The heavy handed feminism of the last jedi. These movies all made a fuck ton of money. Now we get solo a movie that doesnt have a female lead, as the previous 3 movies have, and it doesnt have a strong ott sjw message, and its bombing.
So the narrative by the media is already starting, sjw movies are in, white males are out. No more white male movies, with low sjw themes. More female and minority led movies with heavy sjw themes. Its exactly what the so called fans are boycotting about. Ive been arguing that the movie to boycott was 9 and this is the movie they should all have gone to see 50 times. The reason being that if the movie with a low impact sjw theme makes a lot of money, and the next heavy sjw themed movie bombs, the trend is set for what they want. All im getting now thouogh is that they want it to end. The argument and goal of the boycott keeps changing to be honest. So who know what these people want.
Like I said, spoiled children.
Look, there been three years of sexist, racist and just straight up hatred for disneys star wars movies. Asking me to provide links to this is like asking me to prove the sun is a thing. Its well documented and has been made public many many times by various people around the internet.
So youll forgive me, but I treat such questions as trolling. If you arent google will help you out. Until then, have a good day.
Did I? Im pretty sure this is what I wrote:
'I tried to make the point that if you boycott solo, you’ll just get more of the things you don’t like. The agenda is going to push all the SJW stuff you hate right up your bum.'
I didnt mention women at all. See, you were in to much of a rush and you missed the point.
lol good one.
So you dont care about star wars moives and youre just a troll like the otehr fella that just wants them to end. I where I have been going wrong now. I didnt realise I was speaking to children who dont want other people to enjoy things they dont.
Dont be in such a rush to miss the point.
Probably quite a few people if toys r us hadnt gone down the toilet.
woof, woof, bark.
Propaganda is propaganda, doesnt matter where it comes from. And this wont be the last the reaffirms the narrative that star wars is better with women, and a strong message.
So you want star wars to end? You can walk away, so everyone else has to miss out?