phillipsdan83's Replies

That's because he started pandering to them, genius! Those Charlottesville tiki torch guys were tRump voters. No one ever told you that the Jim Crow types started leaving the Democratic Party in the Sixties. People knew about trajectory even then, would have understood that Ranse couldn't have done it, and in the real world probably would have suspected Tom, but Ranse (while humiliated at the same time) would have pointed out that there was no legal proof it was Tom, and no one really gave a crap about Valance other than his cronies anyway. However, this is drama we're talking about, not a documentary. What would a "happy ending" be? Holman deserting successfully only to get murdered by Communists later on or run out of China with desertion charges hanging over his head? Staying in the Navy, then going to China Light legally, only again, to be murdered or run out twenty three years later? Much of the point of this movie is that the winds of change blowing over China wind up killing Holman, Collins, and Jameson and leaving Shirley's work in ruins, though at least she can pick up and move on to other missionary or teaching work elsewhere. Joi initiated it feeling K deserved a "real girl" and this was the only way she could be real, and sensed K was attracted to Mariette. That she did initiate it is evident by her telling Mariette "You can go now. I'm done with you" coldly. Dude, don't insult Dr. Zaius...Trump's Exhibit A for his case against mankind! Taylor's exactly the kind of jerk who would take the whole world with him if he could, because he thinks (justifiably) that the world sucks' Ana de Armas, ugly? Did you go blind? It's likely that "Joe" was the only name Joi could think of to name K, and the different spelling was a hint to whoever played Joi that her feelings were real. Joi names K "Jo" in the shooting script, and the Giant Naked Joi hologram calls him "a good Joe". However, in a verbal and visual medium like film, the difference between "Jo" and "Joe" just doesn't register. And Luv calls K a "bad dog" shortly BEFORE destroying Joi. That guy with the chin dimple...HE"S SPARTACUS! Thank you. It's not as bad as its supposed to be (the sequel, KING KONG LIVES, is WAY worse), but it's the least of the three versions. I'll take it over the 1976 version. Rambo died in the final scene as originally filmed...he wanted Trautman to shoot him, but he refuses, so Rambo pulls Trautman's pistol and in effect kills himself. Douglas had creative differcenes with the filmmakers. According to Stallone, Douglas wanted Trautman to take down Rambo mano a mano. Bogart NEVER served in World War Two. However, he did serve a hitch in the Navy in World War One, before he became an actor He also did character work outside of horror films in movies such as "Of Mice and Men" (as Lennie, his favorite role), "High Noon", and "The Defiant Ones". His career was also impeded by a serious drinking problem. It was a dying Taylor...Zaius has no reason to blow himself and the whole world to bits. Taylor thinks it's time for the world to end and Zaius saying "Man is evil, capable of nothing but destruction!" does nothing to dissuade him.