Betamax66's Replies

It'll be all queer, feminazi and ''diverse''....Hollywood is a eunuch coward. It was amazing acting. Full stop. She has no fuckin tits, pal. No recriminations. Even though they stole the idea from the Pythons Me neither, very dated even when made! Shit film - sex with aliens? Romantic dance scene? WTF?? Either play it for laughs or give us a gritty 'secret agency' type conspiracy or something. Anything Bond will eventually be a homo, a chinese disabled Communist with a closet lesbian handfast wife... Lol, true! Like Woody Konigsberg? Or Weinstein or Epstein? I meant to say the 2nd time So why not stop him THEN No, anyone who says [i]that[/i] is! Me too, he walks like he shat himself? Who doesn't? Former career CIA officer Kevin Shipp stated recently that the CIA (and thus most likely the FBI, NSA and DOJ etc who have their equipment made for them by contractors) said that much of the CIA's technology is [b]''at least fifty years ahead''[/b] of the commercial market Yeah, I guess. But at least, as feds in an extraordinary unit, always carry even a compact camera, given the sensitive nature of the evidence? I agree with much of this - modern feminazi lesbo crap about female warriors being a physically strong or skilled as men- HISTORICALLY. They weren't. I haven't got an issue with females protrayed as warriors- IF they were, in context- but to pander to SJW shit. Nope. Still a dumb attack on the ground? He was in X-Files twice! Tooms and Squeeze. Hmm, one with incredible survival /homicidal skills and doesn't show up on Police systems? yeah Well no, they did Bedsitland which was good? Still a rampant, mincing gaylord, though.