MovieChat Forums > CWB
CWB (10)
I couldn't stand the show either. I feel like Mr. Rogers is why we have participation trophies.
Yea that’s what this looks like. We’ll be getting throat punched with social justice. I’m a fan of Carrell but I’ll be skipping this for sure.
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Scarlet Witch. What I find funny is that Elizabeth Olsen was complaining that the outfit was too revealing, while wearing an outfit to the premiere that was way shorter and showed way more of that fantastic cleavage.
Completely agree. I enjoyed BB well enough but I think it's way overrated. BB is nowhere near my top 10, Justified is my all time favorite show, superb lead characters and supporting/guest characters, well written, and just a super fun show to watch. Raylan is just a badass.
Yea, I know what you mean. I just watched it last night and I'm on the fence. I can't decide whether or not I liked it. I definitely liked some things about it, I liked the idea of DNA getting mixed up, I found that interesting and it seemed new to me for some reason, even though it's been done before. I don't like having to just make up reasons for goings on in movies, like whatsherface, Jennifer Jason Leigh's character, was that her or was that the duplicate? If that was a duplicate, where's the real one? Why did Portman's eyes shimmer at the end? We clearly saw the duplicate die, so was there another duplicate? I don't think movies have to explain everything, hell, Donnie Darko is one of my favorites, but to have so many unanswered questions is just annoying. Who do they think they are, the writers of Lost?
That bear was, by far, my favorite thing about the movie. Creepy as hell.
I haven't read the book so I don't have an opinion on it, but that freaking bear was one of the creepiest things I've seen in a while. When it opened it's mutant bear mouth and let out that human scream, I got chills, it creeped me the hell out, which was awesome.
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