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pacersoldaway (48)


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The turd does not fall far from a faggot's ass. Only a retard would think that it's better than S1. And not interested in any other agenda-driven articles, written by retards, that validate your absurd opinion. I feel like he doesn't trust his audience, on an intellectual level at least. That's why he overexplains everything and shoves exposition down the viewers' throats whenever he gets a chance it seems like. You should google what a plot hole is You're clearly delusional or perhaps mentally challenged (at least you can spell though), she has not made a project worthy of a pimple upon humanity's asshole. In the book the girl is much younger and Carla Jean is left pondering whether Llewelyn cheated on her with the girl, though she states that she doesn't care if he did. This all after his death, of course. Yes, it makes no sense. Vittorio Storaro's cinematography is impeccable -- big influence on Coppola, Scorsese, Coen Brothers and countless others "I've read your book--" "That makes you read." This movie is shit and Oscars are a joke. An academy full of retards who only care about the ethnicity of the people involved in the film, i.e. not old white male, believing they're doing social justice while patting themselves on the back and boasting about their equitability at parties with other white people. They wouldn't know a good movie if one blew up their fucking gonads. A plague of pustulant boils upon all their scurvid asses View all replies >