MovieChat Forums > johnkolos
johnkolos (45)
[SOLVED] Looking for a 90's racial drama.
[SOLVED] Eye injection restores soldier's sight.
Animated series with a flying car.
Laurel and Hardy episode
Man spies on woman hiding in a closet/cabinet
Looking for a film about a mermaid who saves a young man from suicidal drowning
Looking for movie i saw in 2009
Looking for 2 kung fu movies
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thanks brother, this is the one. i thought i'd never find it.
Correct. Thanks.
Thanks. I could be wrong. After all, I was just a 12 yr old when I saw it. All the movies I ask about here are the ones I saw as a kid.
Thanks, quite near but not exactly. The show was likely set in the 1700s or thereabouts.
Thanks, but the movie was from the US or UK. Maybe but not likely, Australia.
Nope, late 90's-00's
none of the above. but thanks
Thanks but its not.
Not it. The movie looked like it was early 2000's. And the resurrected main character is a good guy
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