MovieChat Forums > AllTracTurbo > Replies
AllTracTurbo's Replies
I think nobody is complaining because it takes place in 1989 and they were playing Street Fighter, which was released in 1987. They also have Nightmare On Elm Street 5 playing in the theater, which was released in 1989. I saw a poster for the movie You've Got Mail and was confused, but then realized that was just an old poster in the current time, which is 2016.
The swastika is an ancient symbol that dates back many thousands of years, long before the Nazis used it.
I'm not sure why they chose to put it in the movie considering almost everyone associates it with the Nazis, but they made it pretty clear that they were referencing ancient culture with the other symbols around it. I think it represented different things throughout history, but the sun and thunder are two very common ones and there is a drawing of the sun above it and a cloud with thunder below it. There is also another recognizable ancient drawing to the right.
Just before the scene where they find out that they were pronounced dead in the news, Peter Weller's character flips open a cover on the wall in the computer room, pushes a button, and red "SOS" letters light up. The lady from their company shows up on the screens and mentions that their SOS will have been received by the coast guard and navy.
So, the SOS signal goes directly to emergency services to get search and rescue started as soon as possible. This lets them know that people are still there and need to be rescued.
Yeah, it was pretty bad. Horrible script, bad acting, no likeable characters, and full of dumb decisions and unrealistic events.
I just listened to them back to back a few times and they are very different. There is no way a lawsuit would get anywhere.
I haven't seen the Alien movies in at least 10 or 15 years and decided to watch them in chronological order. I just finished this one and also feel that it is very overrated. I watch a lot of movies, even back to silent films and I don't have a problem with slow movies that build tension, but this one has very little plot or character development. I wasn't bored while watching it, but was left with an underwhelming or unfulfilled feeling because very little happened throughout the film in terms of a story.
I am not saying it is bad, just that it is not as good as I was expecting based on it's reputation. I actually enjoyed Prometheus and Alien Covenant a lot more than this one.
I have similar feelings about 2001: A Space Odyssey. I didn't enjoy the first movie that much and feel that it is very overrated, but I enjoyed it's sequel 2010: The Year We Make Contact a lot and think it is a much better movie.
Every time I saw Stephen McHattie (Pale Man), it reminded me of The G-Man from Half Life.
This will obviously contain spoilers.
The version I just watched was 1h 37m. I don't know if it is an extended version or if you just missed the scene.
At 1h 21m, they are back in time when the killer is a kid and I believe it shows him killing his parents. He sees Lisa and she runs away and hides in a room. This was the killers room when he was a kid. He has multiple frames on the wall with butterflies pinned up or maybe they are posters. There are shelves lined with jars filled with live butterflies similar to the beginning of the movie. They zoom in 4 or 5 times to give you a closeup of the jars with butterflies.
Here is what the killer says from the subtitles:
Get out of my house, Lisa.
Where do you think you're going, little butterfly?
You cannot hide from me in this house
and certainly not in my own room.
I don't need your company anymore.
I don't need your family's.
I got a new one to add to my collection.
So, the killer started collecting as a kid with butterflies and then moved onto collecting people. If you watch the beginning, the jars have butterflies, but they also contain people faces that are screaming for help. There is one butterfly that is not in a jar. It is flying free past all the other jars as they scream for help. I believe that butterfly is supposed to represent Lisa.
People shouldn't jump to conclusions without having all the facts, but you calling them retards for saying that the vaccine may have killed him is just as bad. Are you seeing what is happening around the world from this "vaccine"? It is reported that police say there was no drugs or paraphernalia found at the scene and the paramedics suspect he suffered cardiac arrest. From the info we have, if he received the vaccine, I would suspect it as well. We will know more once we get a coroner report.
After watching this, I bet the real reason they passed is because there was almost no story to make a movie. They took an idea that might have filled the first 30 minutes of a movie and dragged it out to fill 90 minutes. That just makes a boring, dragged out, unfulfilling cash grab.
I like weird movies and this movie was weird, but unfortunately, it was not that interesting. It felt dragged out and kind of boring. Too many movies do this. They come up with an interesting idea, but instead of taking the time to create an interesting and captivating story around that idea, they just jump straight into production and make an incomplete, dragged out, boring movie. What we were shown should have been condensed into the first 30 minutes of a movie, but there is no movie, we basically watched a 90 minute teaser trailer based on the concept for a movie that was never created.
What kind of ice cream did you get.
Fresh peach. Better eat it right away, it's starting to run a little.
It's sad how many people live their lives without being able to see reality. I guess ignorance is bliss. Are you all topped up on your experimental gene therapy boosters? lol
Sonny pays Genevieve for his food in the resturant
Genevieve: Did your dad give you this?
Sonny: He needs all he's got.
Genevieve: It wouldn't hurt you to take a little something from him once in a while.
I don't know. You and Duane both in a boardin' house.
Him with a mother and you with a father. It don't seem right.
And your dad's taking too many pills, you know.
That's how Hollywood has been for like 10 years. It wasn't just the song at the end, it was the entire movie. This is basically a retelling of the original movie, but all the powerful characters are females or minorites and the bad people are white males. So many popular movies have either been remade or had a sequel made and they aren't good because there was never a reason for them to be made other than injecting PC, SJW, and liberal propagada.
These movies suck because they aren't made because there is some great story to make a movie about, they are made because Hollywood needs to push thier propaganda on the masses and they need to reboot something popular to get a lot of people to see it. Instead of making a movie around a great story, they start with their propaganda agenda and then try to create a plot around it which ends up not being good.
We are basically living in the Matrix. Most peoples realities and beliefs are shaped by the globalists. They control Hollywood, the main stream media, and all the big tech and social media companies. They decide what reality is by spoon feeding the masses propaganda in their movies and shows, lies in the media, and censor truth on social media.
That makes no sense. You think that just because you don't like or agree with something that no discussion should be had about it and we should erace it from history? That is some seriously flawed logic.
If that is not what you meant, then you should try explaining yourself instead of starting a discussion by barely posting a single sentence and expecting people to know what you mean.
After they kill everyone in the store, they get back in the car and Esteban is shown collecting everyones guns and putting them in a compartment in the back of the drivers seat. He tells them to drive Fresh home, throw the guns in a river, and drive the car into a lake. The next scene shows Fresh leaning down and doing something behind the drivers seat and then you hear him close the compartment and the driver ask him what he's doing back there.
The movie was only shown in Italy at a single film festival. It's for sale on region 2 blu ray and is available online if you know how to find it.
The reason this movie wasn't released has nothing to do with Johnny Depp, it is most likely politics or money. There are people that don't want to see this movie released.
There was some talk about the movie being delayed because Johhny Depp got in a fight and punched someone on the set and was being sued, but that was most likely a lie to cover up the real reason why the movie has not been released.
This is most likely the real reason why the movie is not being released:
Also, the company that made the movie was sued for not releasing it and they have now gone bankrupt.