
This is easily one of Cronenbergs worst movies to date. It's a cool concept, but the writing is terrible. It tries to bring in all these ideas and subplots and each one feels completely underdeveloped. Viggo felt really miscasted in this as well. Aside from Kirsten Stewart, the rest of the performances ranged from alright to awful. It was also hard to ignore how cheap some of the set designs in this looked.

Also, don't go see this if you're expecting some hardcore body horror and gore. The gore in this is quite tame compared to some of Cronenbergs other films. Not shocking or disturbing at all.


Damn. I hoped this would be a good one.


Same here. It seemed like it would be something I would enjoy as I like Cronenbergs body horror stuff. Instead I was bored as shit.


One might wonder where the appeal of "body horror" comes from.


For people that like gross out horror


Disagree. I thought the screenplay was smart and well written. Viggo was great and all the other performances were good too. This isn’t one of Cronenberg’s best, but certainly not his worst. 8/10 from me.


*heavy sigh* The past tense of “cast” is “cast.” It’s not brain surgery.


also the CGI was really goofy-looking at times


... man. I'm really trying to like this. I'm halfway through it and I had to take a break. Was curious what other fans thought. This movie is cheeseball. It's not working for me.


I have a friend who is a Cronenberg fan who gave this a 10/10. I think they are just telling themselves it's that great because they don't want to dislike a Cronenberg movie.


It felt like Cronenberg trying to make a Cronenberg movie.


Nothing against Cronenberg, he can make great films. That being said, he's had misses in the past that match your perspective on this. Sometimes it doesn't work. They're great concepts... even if the movie doesn't work.


Pretty much how I've always felt about Cronenberg.


I like weird movies and this movie was weird, but unfortunately, it was not that interesting. It felt dragged out and kind of boring. Too many movies do this. They come up with an interesting idea, but instead of taking the time to create an interesting and captivating story around that idea, they just jump straight into production and make an incomplete, dragged out, boring movie. What we were shown should have been condensed into the first 30 minutes of a movie, but there is no movie, we basically watched a 90 minute teaser trailer based on the concept for a movie that was never created.
