manwithoutaplan's Replies

absolutely honoring the film was probably head on. Truthful her character was average at best. The movie was top notch movie making. They should make more movies like this. It's a bullshit premise but fine in Tarantinoland. Thanks for putting light onto the subject. Burningsun hasn't a clue. His story checks out why? Because you got caught being a complete FUCKER! You are an A-hole! You must not have parents to go to enjoy a movie with. F U scum bag. I'm pissed and drunk right now and stand by this statement. Anyone making fun of someone that hangs and goes to movies with their parents needs to be shot in the head 1,000,000,000,000 times without hesitation. Yes that's a lot of shots to the head............... but come on, this guy is a FUCK beyond belief..... Does this dude not love his parents and want to enjoy a day with them? He says precisely he's going with his mom. God forbid going to see a movie with your mom to make her happy. kielanders you out right FUCK en suck. and another F U too. You making fun of seeing a movie with their mom. F U fucker. Understand this you young fucker, there is precious time spent with your mom before she is no longer on this planet and only in your heart wishing she was still here. Everyone else, enjoy the snow today, make a snow man and drink some alcohol to keep you warm. I never realized she won. I love this movie. I can't say weather she should have won or not, just want to say I'm surprised she was even nominated. It was an average performance. LOL if you get this in time. Tarzan and his Mate is on this morning on TCM. LOL, you don't care probably, yet stated if you do. Maureen O' Sullivan is a delight in it and Johnny might be the best Tarzan, worth a see. It surprises me people think remakes and sequels are a new invention in Hollywood. Get naked with Cybill Shepard. Seriously dude, in my seat I wanted to jump into the screen and kill that fucker. Such great acting. LOL. Sorry I got vulger, I've had a few, but his Fernand Mondego was awesome. Truly a fantastic villain. You think Nick Fury is good? This is where movies are at, it's a disgrace. You ain't in a comic book movie you suck. He played such a great A-hole in Count. Maybe she didn't want one. She kind of disappeared after getting married. That's cool. I saw her in The Winds of War and was hooked. A beautiful lady and a fine actress/actor i guess is what they call themselves nowadays. Thanks. I love that ending. The movie was fun and didn't take itself too serious. Sure I loved LA Confidential, Memento and The Count of Monte Cristo and thought he was great in all them roles, yet this is some good shit that I loved watching. I just posted the same thing to you below. LOL. I tried looking up the quote before posting but couldn't find it. i loved his ending quote to maggie as their walking away from camera Casablanca style. he asks her on a date i believe or how long the relationship will last, she says it'll depend on how good he is in bed. I think his response was "Well in that case, I'll give it a few minutes." and she laughs. I'm sure I messed that up terribly, yet it was something to that effect. I really like the two of them together in the movie. no computers? my family had an Apple IIe in 1984. Had to leave your house? We had Nintendo a few years later and could play that forever (Zelda, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out, Mario Bros., Excitebike, Contra to name a few) LOL. I understand what you were trying to say, but it's not like we didn't have options. excellent movie Thanks for the reply. Moonlighting didn't make him. Die Hard did. Yes Moonlighting was great and he and Cybill hit it out of the park, but Die Hard made Bruce Willis. Without Die Hard, Bruce is doing Blind Date type material and then becoming box office poison. He would have been a forgotten man. I watched Moonlighting back in the day. My favorite show. HUGE crush on Madeline Hayes. Yes, that is it. I found it a few days after posting. Decent movie with solid stunts. If you get a chance see it. Have a good day His reply shows nothing of being mad. plain and simple What? They ran out of gas and they needed a refill............. and they didn't have gas and only had a 1970's tv.