MovieChat Forums > Johndass > Replies
Johndass's Replies
He’s putting his articulate bias spin on but showing his true colours no doubt
It’s not anywhere near as balanced as you think. He clearly has his bias. For one, the British army never occupied Northern Ireland, notice he uses terms like this. He’s eloquent, if not disingenuous.
Absolute lot of nonsense. Northern Ireland has voted to remain part of the UK.
Also anyone know the actor?
Filled me with joy when he ‘adopted’ Larry. Don’t know why but the episode were Larry was introduced had me feeling absolutely terrible for him and his condition, so to see mcnulty go back, find him and take him home was great.
You American by any chance?
‘Anglo-centrism’, well to be fair it was made in the UK for Uk viewers in a time were there was no global tv.
Again, like above, it wasn’t England, it was the United Kingdom. Try learning the basics.
‘England’ didn’t go to war. It’s the United Kingdom. You do a massive disrespect to the other member nations the welsh, Scots, and Irish who fought and died.
The phrase is “couldn’t care less” mate. Honestly.
Couldn’t care less... “kido couldn’t care less.” Think about it, if someone could care less means they do care, how do so many people not get this.
(Not having a go at you personally mate)
The actress is good but the writing is terrible in honesty, it’s ALWAYS Rodgers fault, he’s always put to the couch, forced to apologise etc. Ridiculous stereotypical anti male narrative that’s forever peddled in American/Hollywood tv
I think no one on their turf would be dumb enough to tell police etc
Wtf does him being white have to do with it?
What if it was a spoiler free title...
How about spoiler free titles
Dawn original. Hands down no contest best zombie film. Then day. Funnily dawn is a better movie yet day is my favourite
I can completely see him as a batman
Yeh the remake was ok too I thought. Far better than most zombies movies these days. But u can kinda tell the budget was small. The make up fx were really good tho. I’d definitely take bloodline over the other remake. That was a heap of crap
You can’t be that stupid?