MovieChat Forums > pinkled5 > Replies
pinkled5's Replies
I can't tell you how disappointed I am he's returning to do IX. Jar Jar Abrams has a way of diluting an IP to its lowest common denominator so it will appeal to the largest crowd. He sucks everything out that makes it special and turns it into a generic action flick.
How fun it must have been to make that! I really liked the camera work a lot, that was great. Check out this short clip on video editing, I think it could make stuff like this even better! :)
Well, considering that we both have classic rock based usernames it stands to reason we might share some taste in movies. :)
My son and his friend are constantly having light saber battles, they each have a small collection they bring to each other's house. After TLJ, my son could not stop talking about it, he was so excited and full of energy, he looked like he was about to burst at the seams. I definitely think this movie will inspire role play episodes at home.
I know it's an unpopular opinion, but my kids and I all loved the movie. They're 11 and 12.
TLJ is the first Star Wars movie I've enjoyed since RotJ. No, I won't sign this petition.
No, Christopher Nolan would not be good for Star Wars. However, he couldn't do much worse than Jar Jar Abrams.
That's actually a really cool story. :)
This video has been debunked by Hamill himself:
Honestly, I understand why they had to off Luke. The new crop of Jedi/Sith are weak. Rey's never had formal training and she beat Kylo Ren. Luke would easily take him apart if he was still around, which creates a big fat plot hole if you're trying to create any tension between the good guys and the bad guys.
I'm 41 and remember seeing RotJ in the theater. I grew up watching the originals on Betamax over and over again. I loved TLJ, so to each their own, I guess. I despised the TFA, though. Both of these movies are dividing fans.
I didn't mean to imply I'm boycotting all blockbusters, just that I'm not taking myself or my kids to see a lot of the blockbuster movies being released, and that's a bad thing.
My high hopes are simple to explain. There are few things greater than enjoying a good movie. The thrills, the excitement, the emotional investment in the character's plight. It is the thrill of a good story in the ultimate form of story telling...the big screen. I don't care about canon, etc., I just want to be entertained by my favorite characters in my favorite genre. I don't want to leave the theater regretting the time I spent there.
I don't base my opinion on such petty things as mass appeal. If a movie is popular, that's fine with me.
I did not care for Watchmen or V for Vendetta. Blade was pretty good, but Blade II is one of my all time favorites. Never saw Spawn and haven't even heard of Steel.
LOL! Ok, that was funny. :)
Heh. I remember when I came home from the theater and started a thread on's now defunct message boards about how Rey is a Mary Sue. I thought I was so clever and insightful and yet hardly anyone replied. Then I started reading other threads and reviews and discovered the whole "Mary Sue" thing had already blown up and I just didn't know about it.
Rey is the text book definition of a Mary Sue. That doesn't bother some people and they can still enjoy the character despite this, and good for them, but nothing turns me, and a whole lot of other people, off faster than that kind of character.
Grammar bashing just makes you look desperate. I haven't seen the movie and I'm interested in the argument, not a heartbroken fanboy reduced to comma patrol.
Finn continues to be an unnecessary character and it's frustrating. His entire sub plot in TLJ could have been removed without effecting anything. That's sad.
Poe could have been replaced with any hotshot pilot in TFA, but I feel like he had a distinct personality in TLJ and was given some development time. I liked that.
Ummm, how do I do emojis? :P
I liked the movie a lot, despite its many flaws.
Honestly, they've watered down what it means to be a Jedi so much that they had to kill Luke off for there to be any believable tension in IX. Ren was already beaten by Rey who has had NO formal training. If Rey could beat him Luke would take him apart. That's why they killed Luke, imo.