Burk48917's Replies

Without making this overly political, I feel it's analogous to the recent election. People just don't see that identity based...anything, has really been overplayed, and Americans are sick of it. This was definitely trying to piggyback on Scoob. There was some weird shit back then. This probably happened, lol. Bro, you're so edgy, you're about to edgeplode.💥🤡 I was talking about and making fun of you. I'm embarrassed for you that this needed explanation. 🤣🤡 I have watched one episode, and it's ok, but feels like a tired and overused premise.I have no problem with gay characters. I just don't want to watch a show ABOUT being gay, if that makes sense. I don't want to watch a show that is about how someone is heterosexual either. I just don't have a desire to have someones sexuality be the plot. We get it. Your super edgy and live in Identity politics. You are super cool and edgy and not at all a posturing virtue signaler. Go get um' tiger. Probably why I liked it, lol It will go to JD unless something completely bombs with the Trump administration. He did fine his last term, so I don't see that happening. most of these were addressed in the film. I get it's his daughter, but she was a terrible actress. You are proven wrong every day You sound like a complete fucking crybaby moron.🤣😂😅🤡😂😂😂🤡😅😅🤣😂😂🤡🤡 How's Trumps cock taste,loser.🤣😂 Remember, this is comic book logic. Amnesia or simply fearing more violence from Oz are both plausible reasons not to come home. What a twist to have them be revealed at some point, maybe in a future season. They do that shit all the time. I'm not saying it's likely, but it is certainly possible. ^spotted one of the losers They do say something about them giving the people on the ship technology. There is a shitload of exposition constantly coming. Can't be phone flipping or distracted much while watching this. The helmets were made by humans, instructed by the sophons. Most of the complaints I've seen about this show were actually addressed. It's not a light show, and if it's being viewed casually, a lot will be missed. And pretend to not know he fucked up it's referring to 3 celestial bodies. It is explained in the show.