OhHeyBro's Replies

Nah he looks badass. Was that barn the same barn that Rick and gang took shelter in during that storm a few seasons back, just before being found by Aaron? The only utter stupidity I see here is in your questions. I doubt it. I assumed there were a bunch of Whisperers in disguise at the fair. The series finale? That would suck ass. He needs to return long before that. I'm still hoping this whole Rick leaving forever thing is a BS trick, and that he'll be back next season (or even better, next week). Either Tara or Henry. Both were incredibly shocking to me. I feel like I should definitely say Tara as she has been on the show much longer, whereas Henry (the grown up version) has only been in what, like 9 episodes? But i dunno, he just did such a great job in such a short time and it really feels like he's been on the show longer. Will miss them both. Hey man. Nice to see a fellow LOST board poster here. I miss the boards too, and the moving from one Harry Potter board to the next was a special thing as well. Yeah, despite more people being on the internet than ever, it feels deserted, since most of the population seem to be on their damn social medias. People don't seem to be interested in forums any more. :( Totally agree with your thoughts on YouTube. It has gone downhill so much over the years. It used to be about ordinary people making videos for fun and sharing them, but now it's just full of fake ass people churning out constant videos for ad revenue, making their videos 10 minutes long to get even more out of their idiotic audience. It's just a money making machine now. All the videos look too clean now and "perfect", with all the "YouTubers" being all cheery and being like "hey guys!" acting as if everything is awesome. It makes me sick tbh. "Don't forget to like and subscribe" Yeah how about no, asshole. Adblocker is an absolute must. You can also get an add-on for your browser called "Video Blocker", which lets you completely block channels of your choice, that way none of their videos show up in your searches. It may cause some lag when searching certain topics where those channels make content for, but it's worth it. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-blocker/ https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-blocker/jknkjnpcbbgcbdbaampbjlhkcghmgfhk?hl=en Too bad everyone is on their damn phones these days, and smartphones don't have adblocker... Which for some reason people are okay with. The Other Place, yeah. I miss those crappy old emoticons. Those emojis don't even move They are also too small and are blurry. 👎 👎 Yes, I'm looking forward to it. Wow, it's already 2019. :O Man time moves so fast. Overall, it's incredibly disappointing. Very rushed with poor writing. But it does have some pretty awesome moments, and it's great seeing the characters again. So yes you should definitely watch it. I have no idea, but she does look different now. I actually saw her in Goon 2, and I didn't recognise her. I guess I saw her name in the credits and was pretty confused and had to go back and find her. [yes] They all knew the location of the lab though... The truck Mike used to move the crew to the laundromat had the laundromat's name and logo on the truck, and the truck had New Mexico license plate, all this being visible to the crew. I really hope it is leading to something big, perhaps giving us a whole (or multiple) seasons set in B&W timeline, but considering how much they are rushing the show now, I am worried that they will be nothing more than "brief glimpses". If you asked me before season 4, or even during the first 60% of season 4, I would have said it could potentially go for like, 7, 8 even 9 seasons. But after the incredibly rushed 2nd half of season 4, unfortunately I fear it will be ending much sooner than that. Maybe 1, or 2 more seasons if we are lucky. :( [quote]but feels like it's winding down. Since that feels organic, I hope that's what they do, and think they will, since they seem creatively driven[/quote]??? How is it organic? It only feels like it's winding down due to how the rushed the shit out of the last few episodes of season 4. They basically crammed another whole season of content in 4 episodes. And in regards to them being creatively driven, I think they are definitely losing their way, and listening too much to the so called "fans", rather than doing their own thing which is best for the story, as they have always done previously. The "fans" kept whining for Saul and "BB Mike", and they gave them to us prematurely. [quote]I don't feel like it needs to outlast the original show just for the sake of it.[/quote]BB had a much more clear cut story though. Walt's transformation. But with BCS, this is not the case. There is so much more potential of what it could be about, due to the timeframe of when this show is set being far bigger. There could be a huge story left to tell in the future with Gene. We're 4 seasons in and it's still not clear exactly where the show is going. But after 4 seasons of BB, things were clearly approaching the endgame. EDIT: Quotes don't seem to work properly on here [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVyggTKDcOE[/url] [quote]Hurley was barely an actor before Lost, so I guess any role he gets after is playing with house money.[/quote]What are you on about?