MovieChat Forums > Cuba10x > Replies
Cuba10x's Replies
Love it.
Hes endorsing Trump for election of Potus.
Sean Cunningham directed Friday The 13th. Whats your point.
Watched it last nite. Not bad.
Watched last nite, not bad.
A Clock Work Orange, you missed that part ?
The girl friend. She was hot, I'd come on her face.
A Clock Work Orange
Hes gay.
Im going to watch it in the next hour.
Faggots were the stars of the movie.
It was alright.
I want mike nude.
The Four Feathers. HELLO !
Watched the movie last nite. I liked it.
Strapped down in Harry Styles apt. Clock Work Orange 2.Oh. ?
Give her a bed sheet, Guards see nothing.
It was kind of boring.
Im saying it, cause nobody cares , shes an entitled cunt. I enjoy following the bullshit news , that the media keeps pumping out. Ppl think if they keep protesting for her, Putin will release her. Not happening.