Cuba10x's Replies

Love it. Hes endorsing Trump for election of Potus. Sean Cunningham directed Friday The 13th. Whats your point. Watched it last nite. Not bad. Watched last nite, not bad. A Clock Work Orange, you missed that part ? The girl friend. She was hot, I'd come on her face. A Clock Work Orange Hes gay. Im going to watch it in the next hour. Faggots were the stars of the movie. It was alright. I want mike nude. The Four Feathers. HELLO ! Watched the movie last nite. I liked it. Strapped down in Harry Styles apt. Clock Work Orange 2.Oh. ? Okay. Give her a bed sheet, Guards see nothing. It was kind of boring. Im saying it, cause nobody cares , shes an entitled cunt. I enjoy following the bullshit news , that the media keeps pumping out. Ppl think if they keep protesting for her, Putin will release her. Not happening.