MovieChat Forums > Xonioc
Xonioc (76)
Had a good laugh with this on Christmas Eve
Why did the studios make him wear those terrible wigs?
I'm sorry but Scott Eastwood is such a bad actor
Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1978
He's 6 foot???
Lipstick lesbian films are boring
Billy's ancient compared to Meg
An insult to the original film
An all right horror movie
NOT an anthology series
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I liked it too, all except the film never really explained how they made him a foot taller after the make over, and where did they get that extra body muscle from. I guess the viewer has to switch his brain off concerning that.
Maybe the rabbit was ill and had very slow reactions.
She was cheating though. People forget that. But I agree, still a good movie, nearly 70 years on.
I like Sean but I've not seen any of his movies, but I have watched clips.
Cool. It's different
I didn't like it either.
That's not my idea of an anthology series. It's a different story every week.
Plus the fact the story in season one was stretched beyond belief. It was ONLY a one episode story.
Yeah but he was wrong.
This is the thing what they do. They stretch things out. Why do they tease? It's so annoying. I couldn't care how Carl died. We knew he died last year so why didn't they show his actual death then? That's what is meant by these long drawn out storylines.
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